New Ferrari F80 Hypercar – Why I’m DISAPPOINTED!

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This is the all-new !

It's Ferrari's follower to the famous , and Mat's ready to run you through whatever you need to know about it!

For starters, let's discuss the engine and efficiency. The V12 is officially gone, and it's been replaced with … The V6 from the 296! However worry not Ferrari fans – it's likewise equipped with an overall of three electrical motors, and integrated, they produce an eye-watering 1,200 hp. This formally makes it the most effective Ferrari roadway automobile ever produced! The power is sent to all 4 wheels, and as an outcome, the can shoot to 62mph in less than 2.15 seconds!

In regards to the design, it's reasonable to say the does not have the same visual shock worth as its predecessor. The black band across the nose looks similar to what you get on the 12Cilindri, but overall the front doesn't have the exact same pointy design style as seen with previous legendary Ferraris. However, a minimum of there are a number of aerodynamic information throughout the car when you look carefully, such as the fins behind the side windows and the greatly contoured side skirts.

When it comes to the interior, one of the most notable functions is the square wheel, which has actually clearly borrowed motivation from Ferrari's Le Mans program. Although this may include a number of physical buttons on it, the remainder of the cabin is adorned with a variety of screens. There's a digital dial screen for the driver, along with a separate passenger screen – much like the one found in the Purosangue.

The F80 is restricted to just 799 systems, and obviously, it does not come cheap. Every one will set you back around ₤ 3,000,000! However does it compare to the ? And is it an ideal follower for the ? Stick with Mat and see on your own!

00:00 Intro
00:34 Design
02:07 Engine
03:42 Hybrid
04:23 Chassis
05:42 Efficiency
07:04 Interior
08:07 Suspension
08:50 Cost


107 responses to “New Ferrari F80 Hypercar – Why I’m DISAPPOINTED!”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Change your car with Cawow:

    1. @Reppintimefitness Avatar


    2. @UTubeSL Avatar

      Hello, there is a typo in ‘disappointed’.

    3. @God_emperor_Doom Avatar

      Porsche better not disappoint like McLaren’s Valhalla ripoff and cyberpunk 3d print Ferrari

    4. @manilove2pwn Avatar

      Why I’m Disappointed! content like this BS

    5. @MarcSob22 Avatar

      This car will definitely destroy W1, just like other Ferrari cars have been doing to all McLarens “SF90 and 296”! And is gorgeous!! The V6 is the right decision! 217mp/h is eletronic limited not top speed!!!

  2. @mohammedaligadatia7143 Avatar

    So they can give their SUV a v12 but their exclusive hypercar gets a v6?

    1. @danielm2688 Avatar

      Thats insane ..

    2. @hamdanali2036 Avatar

      so? f1 cars have v6 engines. as do the le mans hypercars

    3. @Dan-e2c Avatar

      I wonder how far behind the suv would be in a race

    4. @SeolWooBae Avatar

      Just a Le Mans Winning V6 so its a meh then?

    5. @3lcarot Avatar

      People really act as if how higher the number after the V the better the engine, which is bullshit

  3. @luckykatumba7237 Avatar

    I hate the front.

    1. @AliGeha-j7v Avatar

      Nah its good

    2. @batavusfietsbel Avatar

      I hate the back, the side, the top….

    3. @Shvetsario Avatar

      2022 Homda Civic looking ahh

    4. @silversrayleigh9160 Avatar

      It appears to be a callback to the strip on the old Daytonas, like what they did on the new 12cilindri.

      Here’s the thing though — I never liked the look of the Daytonas with that strip on them. It just looks out of place and unnecessary. I much prefer a clean, elegant front end.

      In my opinion the designers must have thought the front end wasn’t very special, so they just threw something on there because they thought the base design wasn’t pretty enough.

    5. @babber2536 Avatar

      Looks like civic honda prius 😂

  4. @Negus4747 Avatar

    Laferrari prices will sky rocket

    1. @DBrealmadrid9606 Avatar

      I was just about to say that. Completely right!

    2. @98765432139267 Avatar

      I don’t think so! People always want something modern and faster. Most of the people who bought the F80 already have a la Ferrari ready for a trade

    3. @ashworth203 Avatar

      definitely has skyrocketed already…they’re already selling for more than 4 million usd

    4. @kingsgarage938 Avatar

      They already have, but might go up a bit more

    5. @Djoxiiii777 Avatar

      Enzo’s too

  5. @Avalk9724 Avatar

    Suddendly McLaren W1 looks gorgeous

    1. @randombanter7553 Avatar

      Always has 🌍👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀

    2. @G82Watts Avatar

      That’s what I’m saying

    3. @Michael-kq3fb Avatar

      Looks like any other Mclaren 😅

    4. @mahirkhairul9093 Avatar

      Buy the w1 then 🦅

    5. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      its made to drive

  6. @God_emperor_Doom Avatar

    Truly LaFerrari was *THE FERRARI* the peak of Ferrari design

    1. @paniccia2947 Avatar

      Just remember, the F50 was uglier than the F40. Hopefully, the F90 will be much better

    2. @God_emperor_Doom Avatar

      @@paniccia2947 💯 I hope so brother.

    3. @bongman123 Avatar

      @@paniccia2947 the F50 is such a pretty car though

    4. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      peak? the company is still there

    5. @F1ll1nTh3Blanks Avatar

      @@hassyg4083 But not at it’s peak designwise imo.

  7. @_all_around_us Avatar

    Design wise this is a major step back compared to ALL previous hyper Ferraris

    1. @Reppintimefitness Avatar

      @@_all_around_us definitely agree

    2. @JOKER-bl4rd Avatar

      It’s not their fault, blame Aerodynamics

    3. @lettuce1305 Avatar

      I think the side and rear are cool but something about the front that feels a bit underwhelming, I also am not sure why the designer insists on that long black line in front

    4. @danielperez6835 Avatar

      ​@@JOKER-bl4rdthere’s the W1 and it doesn’t look bad as this

    5. @Alexkugs Avatar

      @@JOKER-bl4rdthere a lot of cars with good aerodynamics and stunning design

  8. @PrioCaptSend Avatar

    So this is basically a Ferrari 6Cilindri

    1. @jamesdellaneve9005 Avatar

      That was my thinking. It’s ugly. Not Italian. Nothing sexy about this. Take the badge off of it and paint it a different color and it could have been German.

    2. @CaastellanN Avatar

      Spot on!

    3. @bavariancarenthusiast2722 Avatar

      6 cilindri con elettroni – yes basically! Good one 🙂

    4. @fifteen8850 Avatar

      Absolutely not

    5. @bavariancarenthusiast2722 Avatar

      @@jamesdellaneve9005 ouch that hurts, I am Germany 😉

  9. @brucewayne4178 Avatar

    James May was right. Chasing Nürburgring lap times ruins cars. La Ferrari looks way better imo. It has more natural lines that make it look more “elegant”.

    1. @MoJo-2977 Avatar

      When did you heard Farrari is chasing Nurburgring laptimes ? They’ve always said they didn’t care, but they’ve always compared their cars on the Fiorano race track where the 430 Suderia went faster than the Enzo and the 488 Pista went faster than the Laf, now the F80 is the fastest there, beating the SF90 XX Stradale…

    2. @Bebou.1 Avatar

      Frrr 😢😢😢😢

    3. @AP13P Avatar

      You are a moron.

    4. @Bebou.1 Avatar

      @@MoJo-2977they are….

    5. @F1ll1nTh3Blanks Avatar

      @@MoJo-2977 Okay then, chasing Fiorano lap times will ruin cars, no difference. Ultimately pursuing performance with some design, can ruin the natural beauty and aesthetics of certain designs.

  10. @paulfreakingji Avatar

    The SP3 feels more like a “trinity” car than the F80.

    1. @re-jector Avatar

      I was thinking that

    2. @TheGr00vR Avatar

      Absolutely! Lately I’ve lost all hope that ferrari will ever produce beautifully designed cars. The SP3 gave back some hope, but now the F80 shattered them

    3. @harrissaleem03 Avatar

      sp3 is ugly

    4. @thecompanioncube4211 Avatar

      SP3 is absolutely gorgeous

    5. @lifeTheCarGuy Avatar

      @@TheGr00vR Nah, personal opinion, without the black strip in the front the F80 would be great

  11. @Richard-xv7yf Avatar

    Chasing lap times has ruined car designs. A 4 million dollar car should look like 4 million dollars in my opinion

    1. @armanmsd7 Avatar

      Exactly, for speed they are making cars uglier in the name of “aerodynamics” and the funny thing is most of the people who are going to buy these will never go beyond 200 km/hr or 250km/hr then whats the point of making cars faster and faster when they are not going to be used that way, understandable in “track only cars” cuz there you need speed but why with production cars??

    2. @caidee Avatar

      Yet this looks like one you are all tripping

    3. @RealMrStoofus Avatar

      Yup, technically impressive, but fugly.

    4. @Michael-pi8ps Avatar

      It looks fine. It’s no LaFerrari in the looks department but it’s still acceptable. But that v6 is gonna be sad

    5. @El_Negro2003 Avatar

      The w1 from the front and the f80 just look… generic

  12. @CyberCrusader27 Avatar

    Holy Trinity 2.0 is looking fugly…

    1. @thecompanioncube4211 Avatar

      Even that “secret” Porsche is ugly. WTF is happening in this world

    2. @abhiroopsingh207 Avatar

      Blame the aerodynamics man. These cars are just focusing at pushing the no. Off the charts

    3. @VPR707X Avatar

      It’s what happens when CFD takes over the design

    4. @senseikanacke69 Avatar

      Mc laren w1 looks good

    5. @kei1880 Avatar

      @@senseikanacke69 it looks good, but not as the successor of the p1…

  13. @Wafflelover344 Avatar

    Top Gear: Amazing
    Schmee: Incredible entry to the history of Ferrari
    Carwow: I’m disappointed

    Thanks for expressing your disappointment

    1. @garethlatcham5993 Avatar

      Fk schmee what an absolute melt 😅😂

    2. @benjaminlukegraf Avatar

      I thought I was the only one who had the same feedback, respect Sir.

    3. @hellcat-707 Avatar

      Carwow is unofficially sponsored by Porsche. It’s for the GT3RS.

    4. @cylentone Avatar

      No, Top Gear had it’s own criticisms.

    5. @W0W Avatar

      shmee has been buying all bs ferrari models just to maybe get an allocation for this model. of course he is going to praise it even though it is ugly

  14. @aphextw1n-v8r Avatar

    Bad news everyone. Of the 799 Ferrari F80s that will be made, all 1000 have been sold.

    1. @LaidBackDeveloper Avatar

      This is such a niche joke and I love it

    2. @marcthesharc991 Avatar

      Thats a good one 😀

    3. @Priz-fi5gr Avatar

      aye wait, please explain this to me

    4. @ShahrukhKhan-qp7op Avatar

      @@Priz-fi5gr i guess they make more cars than the number they officially announce first

    5. @bupemofyalongwanikunda3772 Avatar

      @@Priz-fi5gr Ferrari and many others manufacturers lie about their production numbers and their exclusivity

  15. @aaronneal3873 Avatar

    I needed a pallete cleanser after looking at the F80 so I went and looked at pictures of the 458. Now that’s a beautiful Ferrari! … the F80 is not.

  16. @YTartschool Avatar

    I’d take a LaFerrari any day over this horrible looking car 🙁 what have they done

    1. @papaguro Avatar

      what’s my art teacher doin here

    2. @gabrieldarybruno3617 Avatar

      You can’t afford it so don’t matter

    3. @larryc1616 Avatar

      Looks like a kit car 😢

    4. @An_Arbitrary_Miscellany Avatar

      I’d take a 296 GTB over this any day. To me that’s the only good-looking car in their line-up right now.

    5. @davidcontini7217 Avatar

      Why not both?

  17. @LaidBackDeveloper Avatar

    0:11 this is factually wrong. Its an upgraded 296 power unit.

    1. @IshaanLimayeBRC Avatar


    2. @ravenwing199 Avatar

      The 499P uses that same V6.

    3. @2storms285 Avatar

      guess what… the 296 also uses the 499p engine dumbass… just downtuned

  18. @FruitFlyKilla Avatar

    Ferrari’s split with Pininfarina was when their car designs started going south.

    1. @cookedit Avatar

      That’s a myth. Pininfarina lost their appeal before their split with Ferrari and were more interested in making designs for non car related things. The F12 TDF (not the Berlinetta), 812 Superfast, 812 Competizione, 488 Pista and F8 Tributo look fine without Pininfarina ‘s input. Pininfarina’s latest cars, the Battista looks ironically like Ferrari’s SF90 and their B95 looks like a generic concept car. The sad fact is neither Ferrari or Pininfarina are able to capture their magic designs of the past.

    2. @augustooliveira5588 Avatar

      ​@@cookedit my guess is that they now want to make their cars a mix of agressive “futuristic” design and retro inspirations, instead of doing what worked and focusing on making beautiful cars. And aside from the random carbon stripes on their new models, one of the main problems in their recent designs are the lights, they always look so out of place and arent as pretty as the classic round rearlights

    3. @softytop1000 Avatar

      Correct. These designs are what Ferrari thinks pininfarina would design, but have got it horribly wrong. Look at the 458 that lead the way for modern Ferraris and they have never been able to move on from that. New design language is needed but what do I care, I’ll never have one

    4. @amstaylorph Avatar

      Yup, yes, and affirmative

  19. @TheBonsaiZone Avatar

    I’d wait for the 4 cylinder F90.

    1. @mikekuridza7760 Avatar

      best comment

    2. @metropcs1099official Avatar

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 F90 inline 4 cylinder

    3. @HumanButcher150 Avatar

      I’d wait for the 3 cylinder F100.

    4. @warhog258 Avatar

      @@HumanButcher150 Nah they will probably go back to single digits after that because it sounds too much like a ford.

    5. @zeroseveneight1 Avatar

      I 1 cylinder F110

  20. @Ranveer_sangha03 Avatar

    La Ferrari is seriously beautiful compared to this lame design 😒

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