New BMW 5 Series v E-Class v A6: Which is best?

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When it comes to choosing a new swank, mid-range saloon, it does not get any better than these 3 – the New 5 Series, the Mercedes , and the A6.

The concern is if you want to get your hands on one, which should you select? Well, Mat's on hand to put all 3 cars and trucks through a series of strenuous tests to find out which one triumphes!

So let's take a better take a look at the three. To begin with we have the New 5 Series. It's unmistakably a from the exterior, although we're still unsure about the load of straight edges and creases across the front and back. Thankfully it's not followed the path of the 3 Series and included the big kidney grille style! Step inside and the cabin has plenty of soft-touch materials in addition to a huge infotainment and digital dial screen.

When it pertains to performance, the vehicle we have is the 520i. It comes with a 2-litre turbo petrol engine that sends out power to the rear wheels just, and it puts down 208hp. It features a price of around ₤ 64,000.

Then we have the . It's probably the most elegant, luxurious-looking automobile from the outside. There are even some trim choices offered to make it appear like the S-Class! The interior is also quickly the most luxurious of the three automobiles. There are soft-touch materials everywhere, and even the opportunity to have three screens in the front! The seats are likewise super comfortable.

The vehicle we have here is the E300e, which features a 2-litre turbocharged petrol engine, and it's likewise a plug-in hybrid, so it comes with a little electrical motor too. It can put down 313hp and this edition costs ₤ 77,000.

Then we have the A6. It had a little facelift in 2015, however it's still been around for definitely ages! It still looks pretty clever on the outdoors, although we would rather pick one of the other 2 instead. The interior is good, with soft-touch products throughout, however it's quickly the most basic of the three vehicles here. However, offered the age it's also the cheapest, so it's not too bad an offer.

The cars and truck we have here also comes equipped with a 2-litre turbocharged engine along with an electric motor, so it can put down 299hp. It's also the only automobile here that includes four-wheel drive! The particular design we have is the 50 TSIe Quattro in S-line trim, and it costs around ₤ 66,000.

So will the more recent BMW triumph? You'll require to stick to Mat and see for yourself!

00:00 Introduction
00:24 Cost
03:40 Style
05:53 Interior
07:48 Storage
09:37 Infotainment
12:23 Voice Controls
17:59 Bad & Good Features
20:32 Engines
21:13 Drag Race
23:18 Every Day Driving
27:29 Country Road Driving
31:52 Rear seats
33:13 Boots
35:06 Decision


100 responses to “New BMW 5 Series v E-Class v A6: Which is best?”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Compare the best new & used car deals with Carwow:

    1. @snm1786 Avatar



    2. @snm1786 Avatar


    3. @snm1786 Avatar


    4. @northwestside6644 Avatar


    5. @ekgcanadianenthusiast9961 Avatar

      Mercedes Benz e class is the best and class leader

  2. @adriandluzniewski4863 Avatar

    I never expected the new 5 series to look like that

    1. @shieldranger1368 Avatar

      Its Bad

    2. @GerbenBol Avatar

      @@shieldranger1368 Its bad what?

    3. @MbeezySheesh Avatar

      no one did. it’s awful

    4. @qspaints956 Avatar

      Very ugly

    5. @nasimahm3d Avatar

      that 2 series design language is being spread… and i dont like it

  3. @jadegodlike4651 Avatar

    I’ll buy a audi if this comment gets 3k likes in a week…..

    1. @T-Bag13 Avatar

      🤫 💤

    2. @MightOfChrist Avatar

      Don’t worry I will dislike it

    3. @danielsandeep Avatar

      Sounds like another likes begger

    4. @xnxys16 Avatar

      Not gona like it bcs u shuda got a bmw

    5. @Reppintimefitness Avatar

      No you won’t 😂

  4. @giorgio2506 Avatar

    I’ve always been a BMW guy and still own a 5 series, but that new design just hurts me. Mercedes now looks chinese and Audi did a good job keeping things nice and classy.

    1. @KIoakk Avatar

      spot on mate. I love my bimmers but this SUCKS

    2. @szodraigergo4008 Avatar

      The next gen A6 will probably have a similar Chinese design language

    3. @questionyourself718 Avatar

      ​@@szodraigergo4008very likely. Im afraid of whats to come..

    4. @ereinaldy9914 Avatar

      At the beginning of its release, it was a bit strange to see the E series, but for some reason I liked the E series better than the new 5 series and the A6 which already looks outdated.

    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@szodraigergo4008Keke Tang also wanted to drive the Audi A6. It looked good.

  5. @labibmanzar8559 Avatar

    I know the audi is the oldest but it looks like an actual good looking car out of the 3

    1. @03Deltaintegrale Avatar

      Definitely. Was designed before the car world went mad.

    2. @andrewwaller5913 Avatar

      Absolutely, the BMW looks awful.

    3. @falcongamer5867 Avatar

      ​@@03Deltaintegrale new audis are about to look like robots real soon

    4. @morre0111 Avatar

      Its just that the audi looks 10 years old😅

    5. @andrewwaller5913 Avatar

      @@morre0111 It was designed properly in the first place. The BMW looks awful.

  6. @g_webb21 Avatar

    All three of these are good but the price keeps increasing while the engines keep decreasing in size😭

    1. @christianl2024 Avatar

      you can still get a 3 liter on all of them. especially the bmw but instead the money got blown on the tech

    2. @markgt894 Avatar

      Because idiots keep buying these underpowered boxes on wheels

    3. @ArranD1 Avatar

      Mid 50k for an entry level 5 series is bonkers

    4. @tagg8233 Avatar

      Tbh these will likely be some of the last revisions of these series of cars with any engine at all.

    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@ArranD1the BMW New 5 Series also now more expensive than even the Nissan R32GTR V SPEC II 1994.😢

  7. @AM_9924 Avatar

    The A6 still holds up pretty well. Will be interesting to see what Audi come up with the new generation.

    1. @pragadoegito Avatar

      More electric bs

    2. @Raven16691 Avatar

      @@pragadoegito Nah, there will be a combustion engine version it just won’t be called A6 anymore, but A7.

    3. @questionyourself718 Avatar

      ​@@Raven16691will be very likely hybrid and further decreasing quality.

    4. @user-ni3tc5mg3q Avatar

      @@Raven16691then it’s not an a6 it’s an a7

    5. @irinelpascuoficial Avatar

      Another facelift like they have done for the past 20 years

  8. @Carfan678 Avatar

    Is it just me or does the inside of the new 5 series look significantly cheaper than the old one

    1. @6.2v87 Avatar

      I agree

    2. @baronvonjo1929 Avatar

      All of these cars seem to get cheaper with each new generation.
      Most expensive for less quality.

      Tesla convinced consumers that the minimal interior was a premium experience. In reality it’s just cost cutting.

      The Germans and other brands realized they can cut cost by doing the same thing as well.

      Lots of new MB products creak and rattle all over. And while visual maybe nice sometimes are technically just plastic fantastic cars.

    3. @giorgiosem Avatar

      It is.

    4. @christiantan5341 Avatar

      No, you’re not the only one (thank goodness— I was about to ask the same!)

    5. @Carfan678 Avatar

      @@baronvonjo1929 I mean for me personally it’s not the design or that I don’t like minimalism the materials just look worse imo. Newer Range Rovers have a pretty minimalistic interior design but they still look and feel expensive

  9. @milantomicc Avatar

    That BMW looks like a GTA car that was based on BMW but they had to change it up a bit so they don’t get sued.

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      BMW 5 Series 2024 is like a miniature version of GTA SAN ANDREAS’s Hotring Racer NASCAR car.

    2. @Przemotg Avatar

      haha good one mate 😀 I agree with you 100%

    3. @unphazd5137 Avatar


    4. @ivankuzin8388 Avatar

      Sentinel 😀

    5. @faizshaikh3830 Avatar


  10. @ggbear1043 Avatar

    Prices are just silly these days

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      And also way more expensive than 1990s USA Sports cars like even 1998 Ford Mustang GT.

    2. @ivorproblem1332 Avatar

      Most manufacturers CEOs have said petrol and diesel cars have gone up in cost to help subsidise electric cars. Great isn’t it.

    3. @user-vc7sn6oy3j Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089 Why are you comparing new cars to old ones?

    4. @martinsvensson6884 Avatar

      @@user-vc7sn6oy3j He’s comparing the prices. Just like an old TV and a new TV. For example.

    5. @igger562 Avatar

      and weight… how can a normal E Class be so heavy? imagine all the tyre wear and brake wear, the bad driving dynamics…

  11. @mihnealazar7039 Avatar

    That intro was wiiiiild 💀
    Nvm the whole videos wild 3:56 12:59 14:22 16:46
    I love this keep it going carwow

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Simply 10/10.

    2. @user-vc7sn6oy3j Avatar

      @@purwantiallan5089 Not as good as 1990’s US car vids though!

    3. @defnotatroll Avatar

      are you 12 years old? how are you entertained by those silly jokes. they’re so cringey

    4. @Dominater-tc3ed Avatar

      @@defnotatroll oh and who appointed u humor police. everyone has an opinion and humor is subjective.

  12. @djviperd25 Avatar

    64k for a 520i is mad

    1. @sakshamanand4657 Avatar

      In India, we pay around 8 million rupees (80k pounds) for the 520i

    2. @mastodon5220 Avatar

      @@sakshamanand4657 those are 64k British pounds so 80k is right

    3. @emreshift8141 Avatar

      @@sakshamanand4657 in turkey we pay 140k pound for base model 5 series

    4. @emilianoaguero1330 Avatar

      A 5 series was never cheap and BMW never wanted them to be cheap. If you consider the loss of purchasing power over the last decades, you will realize there wasn’t a significant increase in pricing.

    5. @eyeball5578 Avatar

      ​@@sakshamanand4657 while children die in slums still

  13. @christiantan5341 Avatar

    As old and FWD as the A6 (Quattro) is, it’s the only car out of the three that hasn’t been hit with the ugly stick.

    1. @morre0111 Avatar

      Looks like its made around 2008😅

    2. @commanchi7 Avatar

      To be fair most cars looked better back then

    3. @morre0111 Avatar

      @@commanchi7 yeah true! But i got the hard time liking the kinda ”boring” Audi😊 its ok but nothing more

    4. @-SP. Avatar

      @@morre0111 Agreed, other than the R8 and certain RS models, Audi’s lineup is not aging well

    5. @morre0111 Avatar

      @@-SP. yeah RS models looks awesome for sure! Wrong color and alot of chrome can make it look older aswell.

  14. @independentwith1 Avatar

    The lights and other design elements on the 5 series look like fridge magnets 😂

    1. @czechio Avatar


  15. @hami_1012 Avatar

    When did BMW start to love massacring their car lineup 💀

    1. @SampleTracks2224 Avatar

      When they doubled down on China, India, America, Russia and Arabia.

    2. @user-my4xu4gf1z Avatar

      Wait till u see one blacked out with custom rims. I saw one on the road a few weeks back and it looked so mean. Like a big bulky bmw muscle car. The m5 will be insanity when people get their hands on em

    3. @panda_314 Avatar

      @@SampleTracks2224 I am from one of these countries and yes, people have very bad taste

    4. @agneyajoshi8012 Avatar

      @@SampleTracks2224 Agree, i’m from india and we have horrible taste

    5. @martinsvensson6884 Avatar

      Started with Bangle.

  16. @ataipacquiao5713 Avatar

    Matt talking about “the low quality” materials on the E class but not showing that the 5 series has cheap scratchy plastic on the bottom of the door while the E class has soft touch material in the same place. Very objective 👍🏼

    1. @matteo964 Avatar

      Not to mention the obscene amount of piano black and the low quality plastic on the tunnel…
      People should stop judging these cars from online reviews, they’re just full of bias.

    2. @0penM1nD3d Avatar

      Price difference

    3. @warsolos Avatar

      Matt has always been biased towards bmw

    4. @uyandanzuza6635 Avatar

      Matt is part of the bmw fan boys club

    5. @manofsesame3024 Avatar

      The BMW plastic don’t feel cheap tho.

  17. @MrJoeBangkok Avatar

    I had E30, E34 and having 2002, E39 and G30. The new series 5 design is no go for me.

    1. @superior7387 Avatar

      Is maintaining 3 German cars at the same time expensive?

  18. @user-jx1cu5hw6w Avatar

    To be honest the water bottle test is a great idea and should become a carwow standard!

  19. @endzenju Avatar

    At least Audi interior has screens integrated into the design of the dash instead of sticking an iPad with a glue and calling it “modern”.

    1. @omidnamin9004 Avatar

      this new trend of glued on cheap tablets is the worst thing to happen to car interior designs

    2. @bigduphusaj162 Avatar

      this era of cars isnt ageing well even after a year. Both in build quality and cheesy screens that look outdated already. A stop needs put to screens in a car as they are as dangerous as a mobile phone while driving. Wouldnt touch a car made in Europe now as theyve taken it too far with the BS and poor build quality.

    3. @-SP. Avatar

      I mean who cares about integration when there is cheap piano black plastic everywhere thats going to get covered in fingerprints and scratches?

  20. @Charlotte__Single__again Avatar

    Audi man here says the Union Rings are the Best. Each of these brands are unique and it really boils down to individual needs.

    1. @bigduphusaj162 Avatar

      uniquely sh1t

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