New AMG GT review: Better than a 911?!

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Mat's got his hands on the all-new !

We've got our hands on the edition, and he's about to see if it can compete with class leaders like the S and Aston Martin Vantage!

So to begin with, let's take a look at the design. Despite the fact that it's a brand new GT, there's no rejecting it's unmistakably recognisable as an GT. Around the back, you'll discover a cool brand-new tail light design, and although there's a diffuser and some vents, the stick of truth has actually found them all to be fake! In spite of sharing the exact same underpinnings as the SL, the only thing borrowed from this automobile's style can be found along the side – the doors! Everything else is special to the GT. In advance, you'll find the immediately recognisable aggressive-style grille, coupled with a load of vents which are really real!

Step within and the GT is a charming automobile to be in. There's Alcantara on the steering wheel and you'll find weighty metal paddle shifters on either side, and there's a substantial infotainment screen on the centre of the dash. The turbine-style vents look cool, however sadly, there's a fair bit of inexpensive products to be discovered in the cabin. What's more, the cover for the sun visor needs to be run by hand! Not what you would expect to discover in an automobile that costs from ₤ 165,000.

When it pertains to engines, all versions of the AMG GT are powered by a 4-litre twin-turbo V8. The entry-level is the AMG 55 model, which puts down 476hp and 700Nm. The cars and truck we have here, the 63, produces 585hp and 800Nm, while the range-topper is the GT 63 S E-Performance. It's a hybrid, so it comes with a V8 and an electrical motor, which combine to produce 816hp and an eye-watering 1,420 Nm!

So what do you think – could the new GT be a 911 beater? You'll need to stick to Mat and see for yourself!

00:00 Intro
00:49 Engine
01:48 0-60mph
02:39 Style
03:49 Cost
05:21 Interior
08:51 Back Seats
09:59 Boot
11:00 Irritating Features
13:20 Cool Functions
15:08 Town Driving
17:35 Freeway Driving
19:06 Country Road Driving
21:12 Decision


62 responses to “New AMG GT review: Better than a 911?!”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow:

    1. @ChrisyRoblox Avatar

      Im in australia so I cant sadly

    2. @Fasteddie1085 Avatar

      😢Need to expand to the USA 🇺🇸

    3. @polarweis Avatar

      Will you make video about mg3 hybrid?

    4. @dnice362 Avatar

      120,000 is an hour

    5. @kellyandphil12 Avatar

      Hmm for free 🤔

  2. @zali9657 Avatar

    I’ll personally take the new Aston Martin V8 Vantage over this. Same engine and physical button on that Aston

    1. @stephenhester7354 Avatar

      And the Aston isn’t based on an SL chassis. No contest Aston wins.

  3. @tapiwamj7958 Avatar

    Whoever is doing the wheel designs at AMG is doing one hell of a job

    1. @igorsol9717 Avatar

      not best rims

    2. @keitjongting3609 Avatar

      Mercedes in general has the best rims

    3. @torbenmayer Avatar

      Until you realize the inner three rings are a plastic part that is stuck into the rim..

    4. @bavariancarenthusiast2722 Avatar

      @@torbenmayer yeah just plug them out – they are there for aero efficiency – like in their EQ models, but you can easy pull them out

    5. @Kevin-ie1mg Avatar

      Dont really like them

  4. @yesikaan Avatar

    14:17 bro accepted his fate.

    1. @infamouswan Avatar

      😂😂😂😂and pulled in his leg

    2. @CheckDisOutpeeps Avatar

      Yeah, what on earth is going on in this review 😂😂 from the backseat, matt in the baby seat, then that 🤣

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@infamouswanwhy he accepted that fate?

    4. @sabelomabaso5848 Avatar


  5. @Sunwoosubwoofer Avatar

    All factors aside, that is a GORGEOUS vehicle.

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      AMG GT63 2024 should’ve been included on GT7.

    2. @PetronasBoyy Avatar

      With fake vents…

    3. @flaminggodofthunder9212 Avatar

      ​@@PetronasBoyy which is a bummer but still gorgeous nonetheless

    4. @AMG63 Avatar

      ​@@PetronasBoyyYou get people who care about vents and then you get adults that really don’t care.

    5. @gigachad6162 Avatar

      Interior is dreadful

  6. @generalcalamity Avatar

    The display pod cover is designed to hide the Speedo from the prying eyes of the Mrs 😂😂😂

  7. @pascalkurzawa8679 Avatar

    How the hell can that thing weight 2.1 tons lol 😂😂😂😂

    1. @4literv6 Avatar

      Right? A model 3 performance is less weight and faster to At less than 1/3rd of the price to boot.

    2. @abde4645 Avatar

      Yeah lol

    3. @v4skunk739 Avatar

      @@4literv6 The Merc is faster. And EV’s are a joke.

    4. @manoz6194 Avatar

      They could have made it lighter by giving it real vents!

    5. @Mav86asian Avatar

      @@4literv6 we’re talking about cars only, not spontaneously combustible transport appliance. But yeah, that AMG is heavy as F.

  8. @Fasteddie1085 Avatar

    🚥Better than a 911 Hell No but
    It looks good…nice job Mercedes

    1. @juniorjohnson670 Avatar

      Eddie ❤ ❤❤

    2. @CurryGreen-tn1uk Avatar

      Also resale value will never be that of a Porsche 911 😂

    3. @user-my4xu4gf1z Avatar

      Should be comparing this 200k car to a freakn m3 or m4 xdrive they are faster for a fraction of the price. 😂

    4. @jasonfuller8536 Avatar

      AMG GT just doesn’t have the pedigree of a 911 never has never will …and it’s wayyyy to expensive 😮

    5. @ytsux9259 Avatar

      ​​@@user-my4xu4gf1z Not everything is about speed. There are other factors that dictate the price. It’s like a million times fancier than the M3/M4.

  9. @oluwadamilare6672 Avatar

    165 grand and fake vents is crazyyy

    1. @chefsaliva5317 Avatar

      you shut your mouth

    2. @ytsux9259 Avatar

      Since when do vents dictate the price? 🤔

    3. @khlad91 Avatar

      ​@@ytsux9259 vents don’t. Fake things does

    4. @michaelperry9580 Avatar

      Porsche or Ferrari would never do a fake vent. And you can get both a turbo or a Roma for the price. Like you Brits say a bloomin Ferrari!

    5. @1goad727 Avatar

      @@michaelperry9580the 992 GT3 literally has a fake vent that’s written “no vent” on it

  10. @farhan0943 Avatar

    Easy for kidnaping people is my fav feature 💀

  11. @DFENS-dx1ns Avatar

    E-hybrid version 3tons then?

    1. @v4skunk739 Avatar

      Probably 2,3 tonnes with hybrid.

  12. @M4RCi92 Avatar

    14:03 – LMFAO Mat, you crazy, crazy bastard… I love this guy, hahaha!

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Mat Watson drove this car like in Midnight Club III.😂

  13. @bonganimafemani3156 Avatar

    16:00 those revs🔥🔥😭

  14. @conek2 Avatar

    Matt: Should you buy it..
    Me: YES!
    My wallet:

  15. @okeyezeilo6187 Avatar

    Phenomenal exhaust rumble…!

  16. @sunetorp-thomsen5209 Avatar

    50 seconds in, Am I the only one seeing a lot of Aston Martin design here?!?!
    Absolutely love it!!!

  17. @watchesandburgers Avatar

    Love your IWC Pilot Chrono. Wear the heck outta that!

  18. @Stonedbeef Avatar

    I will never understand why a 400 dollar ipad looks better and works more fluently than the infotainment of a 200k car

    1. @charliesingh7919 Avatar

      I wonder

    2. @nikhilgiridharan6400 Avatar

      Probably because the Ipad only has to deal with a small number of inputs . while the cars need to work with the electronics of the entire car with the limited capacity they have .

    3. @ieditedmyname289 Avatar

      Because cars usually have industrial grade processors and they have lifespan of 15+ years. Most iPad A series chips wont have drivers available for them within 8-10 years. Not to mention how temperature sensitive those iPads are. Leave you iPad on the dash of your car in a hot summer day, it will 100% give you a heat warning and will stop working. 99% of infotainments wont do that.

    4. @philenan Avatar

      I have the same infotainment system in my SL and I have to say it works great. Very smooth to use, intuitive controls. One can certainly debate the looks, but from a functionality standpoint I’ve never had one in a car that worked better.

    5. @NO3V Avatar

      ​@@ieditedmyname289 You are saying that _as if there wasn’t_ a competitor with very fluid and feature-rich infotainment on large screens powered by automotive-grade, custom AMD Ryzen SOCs with the same architecture and similar power levels as Playstation 5 and Xbox X.

  19. @gileswilson1980 Avatar

    Great review Mat. 🙂

  20. @adewalearegbesola7917 Avatar

    Decoupling the clutch sound got me 😂😂 17:30

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