Lamborghini Revuelto v Ferrari SF90 v Porsche 918: DRAG RACE

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We've lastly got our hands on this all-, and it's facing off versus two of its top rivals – the , and the Porsche 918 Spyder! So let's have a look at how these three impressive hypercars compare.

Starting with the , it's powered by a 6.5-litre naturally-aspirated V12 in addition to 3 electrical motors! These integrate to produce 1,015 hp and 1,062 Nm of torque. Power is sent out to all four wheels through an 8-speed dual-clutch gearbox, and it weighs in at 1,772 kg. If you're seeking to pick one up, it'll cost you a minimum of ₤ 447,000!

Then we concern the . It's geared up with a 4-litre twin-turbo V8, and just like the it likewise has 3 electric motors. These combine to produce 1,000 hp and 800Nm, and power is sent to all 4 wheels by means of an 8-speed automated transmission. It tips the scales at 1,570 kg, and if you try and choose one up today it'll cost around ₤ 376,000.

Then finally we have the 918. It's powered by a 4.6-litre naturally-aspirated V8 together with two electric motors. These operate in tandem to put down 887hp and 1,280 Nm of torque. It sends this power to all four wheels by means of a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission, and it weighs in at 1,674 kg. It's easily the most pricey car here, as it's now valued at an unbelievable 1.3 million pounds!

So will the Lambo stroll it? There's only one way to find out … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to @wam_barn & @tomi-vehicle for providing us their automobiles for this drag race!


81 responses to “Lamborghini Revuelto v Ferrari SF90 v Porsche 918: DRAG RACE”

  1. @ayushjain5008 Avatar

    Yianni would be really pissed off when he would see that mat raced an sf90 with a reveulto before his arrived😂😂😂

    1. @user-fj4xc8tj8e Avatar

      He will be more upset when he see that reveulto still got beaten by SF90 even SF90 came out so many years ago. I mean it’s kind to be expected since Ferrari are much lighter

    2. @yiannimize Avatar

      May called me but I was in Dubai. I will be avenging this result when mine arrives.

    3. @steviepaton2899 Avatar

      @@yiannimizewho’s may lol

    4. @aventusV33 Avatar

      The cost of having an N/A V12​@@user-fj4xc8tj8e

    5. @ayushjain5008 Avatar

      @@yiannimize I also want the reveulto to win

  2. @zno3177 Avatar

    The more impressive thing about this race is that a 10 year-old Porsche is still able to keep up with the newer cars. What a car!!

    1. @Callhouse Avatar

      Well, that’s not as surprising since, if you adjust for inflation, the Porsche was almost triple the price of the other two when new. Increadible machine though but I never expected it to lack behind much.

    2. @Gabe_B-1 Avatar

      These are much cheaper supercars and that Porsche is a hypercar nothing to impressive about it 😂

    3. @jozefjozefczyk3936 Avatar

      1.3mln Porsche vs 400k cars 😂😂

    4. @storck08 Avatar

      Well the 918 was a hypercar so no surprise mate.

    5. @MarcSob22 Avatar

      the 919 is a hypercar the other two are supercars, the raplement of the 918 and LaF will arrive next year

  3. @yiannimize Avatar

    No no no I’m not accepting this result!Tomi must have a Friday afternoon car. The super early ones are never the best re software, I will be back to avenge this result when my car arrives. I will be running mine in first so it’s a fair race!

    1. @turnersexplicit7912 Avatar

      Why u leave carwow😢

    2. @yiannimize Avatar

      @@turnersexplicit7912I never left I was on the last few videos. My car arrives next week so Tomis car was used first.

    3. @lighty9786 Avatar


    4. @bricemima Avatar

      ​@@yiannimize I was just going to make the “running in” point. That’s surely got to make a difference?

    5. @doctorque Avatar

      @Yiannimize, we need REVENGE!!

  4. @Callhouse Avatar

    That SF90 never ceases to amaze me. Absolutely unhinged beast.

    1. @sugarsaint Avatar

      I thinks it’s the aero / weight helping it here but you’re right it’s an animal, although I believe the lambo engine is to new

    2. @C.Fecteau-AU-MJ13 Avatar

      If only they stuck to McLaren’s simple control layout… I think the haptic feedback crap they went for will really age the vehicle.

      Stalks for controls, buttons for everything else and a steering wheel for uh, well steering obviously.

    3. @Investor_philips Avatar


    4. @_AmarjitSingh Avatar

      @@C.Fecteau-AU-MJ13The feedback controls are fine once you get used to the car, Tomi himself said it.

    5. @yerrie1908 Avatar

      People can cry a lot but Ferrari is Ferrari for a good reason, they got it right a lot of the times

  5. @kungfubrush7269 Avatar

    9:04 That cinematic of everyone revving up for launch control WAS EPIC, some fast and furious vibes

    1. @Billy_McLovin_Hope Avatar

      They should do that more often it was super cool!!!

    2. @liyemamohamed6003 Avatar

      Yeah I haven’t seen since maybe 720s vs Aventador S

    3. @all-caps3927 Avatar

      The back of the revuelto looks so good, much better than the front of the car

  6. @tomi-auto Avatar

    Thanks for having me! Will be back with a vengeance 🤣

    1. @jaiveersachdeva1504 Avatar

      Yess good plz come backk

    2. @austineeze5491 Avatar

      Maybe with a bugatti bolide👀

    3. @user-nx4qz9rk5i Avatar

      Nice race man, hope you can comeback the results

    4. @karimhassoun7732 Avatar

      Have the revuelto updated to the latest software… I am pretty sure it is faster than the sf90

    5. @tomi-auto Avatar

      @@karimhassoun7732 people keep saying “new software” there is no new software yet, it just came out 🤣 I have even asked them.

  7. @anvayjain95 Avatar

    My man with glasses just chilling it in a decade old Porsche 918 and still keeping up with these new gen supercars.

    1. @AliSiddiqui458 Avatar

      because it is a hypercar

    2. @edoardosanlustri2429 Avatar

      Yes but it costs three times more 😅

    3. @DUDEMILLA Avatar

      That’s a porche baby

    4. @lombechewemukulu3767 Avatar

      elephant in the room!

    5. @quattro_vp Avatar

      ​@@AliSiddiqui458doesn’t matter if it’s a hypercar or not it’s just a given name. It’s heavier, less hp, etc

  8. @spb78art Avatar

    That Revuelto V12 sounds like a wild cat unleashed, absolutely mad

    1. @BobbyDazzler888 Avatar

      Carrying a few bags of cement on its back 😂

    2. @speedsociety9177 Avatar

      NA V12 + electric motors actually seems the sweet spot for supercars, no turbo that eats the sound but still instant torque

    3. @CyAn-S Avatar

      All that screaming and still slower than the smooth ferrari 😂

    4. @aweeb634 Avatar

      ​@@CyAn-Sstill reliable than Ferrari and just clicking one photo won’t get me sued

    5. @neildisley7779 Avatar

      Nice sound, it’s far too heavy though.

  9. @rbarbetta1978 Avatar

    The Lambo/Ferrari owner was like, “Noooo! Monica!!!”

    1. @IbraNNB7 Avatar


    2. @R4W Avatar

      “Let’s go! Ménage!”

    3. @paulglock9284 Avatar


    4. @paulglock9284 Avatar


    5. @rbarbetta1978 Avatar

      Warms my heart to see so many Fast & Furious fans. 😁

  10. @xTheDeserter Avatar

    Insane how the Porsche is over 100hp down on power and is a over 10 year old car and still keeps up. 918 is just a mad legend of a car.

    1. @autobahnfrancisco236 Avatar

      Súmale a todo eso el piloto que es muy gordo y que debe pesar unos 150kg!! 🤣

    2. @mediocreman2 Avatar

      A lot lighter

    3. @bruhder5854 Avatar

      Porsche is just Porsche. No one makes cars like they do

    4. @maximborodyuk3773 Avatar

      @@bruhder5854 it’s just quarter ton ligther, it’s a physics, not magic.

    5. @1bigboi_629 Avatar


  11. @mak8215 Avatar

    Only one word to describe this race..”SAVAGE “.

    1. @PavelKostromitinov Avatar

      And another is – POINTLESS…

    2. @Simon-bu4kc Avatar

      @@PavelKostromitinov and yet here you are rendering your everyday internet time as pointless as this race is 🙂

  12. @AndreasMwandingi-yv4cf Avatar

    Thank you for letting us pause to compare the cars. Hope you keep doing it💯🔥🔥🔥

  13. @rahulmaddali7222 Avatar

    12:09 watching that ferrari reeling it back in once those turbos kicked in was absolutely insane

  14. @dustynbeliveau7968 Avatar

    Props to the editors this was a well made and put together, those shots of the rpms rising as they get ready for the race was great and all the diifrent angles were chosen perfectly to great suspense and a bit of a story to the race

  15. @gustavo8699 Avatar

    Finally finally the battle REVUELTO vs SF90 and i loved the colour for the REVUELTO

  16. @IrmaJLittrell-Wants-You Avatar

    The 918 holds up incredibly well design and performance wise for a car that’s a decade old now

    1. @geoff9480 Avatar

      it’s a hypercar stupid

    2. @kennethluff4736 Avatar

      The SF90 is nearly 6 years old 😂 and the 918 is a Million pound plus Hypercar 😂

    3. @naftyloescher Avatar

      @@kennethluff4736 Ferrari sucker detected

    4. @IanHobday Avatar

      @@kennethluff4736 SF90 was on sale from 2019 to 2023, hardly an old car.

    5. @IanHobday Avatar

      Modern supercars beating a 10yo hypercar. Meanwhile some modern fast sedans are faster than 10yo supercars.

  17. @kaushikkumardas80 Avatar

    The Ferrari’s V8 music is orgasmic 😍

  18. @Fasteddie1085 Avatar

    🚥 SF90 still has the juice for the squeeze… guess we have to wait years for the Revuelto SVJ 😂😂😂

    1. @Sickwitit18 Avatar

      Haha and by then someone will bring their SF90 FXXK and mop it still

    2. @_AmarjitSingh Avatar

      SF90 successor will have something to say to the Revuelto svj or sjv or vjs or vsj or sto or ots or stj or tsj or whatever thingamajig Lamborghini names it!

    3. @XxApo07xX Avatar

      They are litteraly the same acceleration (which revuelto still has a better top speed) and you say sf90 juice for the squeeze?😂😂😂

    4. @_AmarjitSingh Avatar

      @@XxApo07xX SF90 has an electronic top speed limiter and that’s why its top speed is slightly lower than that of the Lamborghini. The real top speed is higher than 211mph!

    5. @XxApo07xX Avatar

      @@_AmarjitSingh Yeah same as the chiron base model and i dont know why car brands doing it its just useless and pointless. But i dont think it could be more than revueltos it wouldve be similar

  19. @Shortsz424 Avatar

    Been waiting for this race since past year

    1. @Faazuu Avatar


  20. @enrico93 Avatar

    The SF90 is the real deal of modern sports cars, its performance are untoucheable and it’s already a 5 year old car. 9.6 in the 1/4 mile is Bugatti chiron territory… absolutely unbelievable

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