Lambo Revuelto v Aventador SVJ: DRAG RACE

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It's the one you Lamborghini fanboys & women have actually been awaiting … vs !

These 2 powerhouses are finally going head-to-head over the quarter-mile, however will the more recent Revuelto triumph? Let's take a closer look at the stats.

Starting with the SVJ, it's powered by a 6.5-litre naturally-aspirated V12 that can produce 770hp and 720Nm of torque. This power is sent out to all four wheels, and the vehicle's dry weight is 1,525 kg, so it probably ideas the scales at around 1,700 kg. When brand-new, the Aventador SVJ costs from ₤ 360,000.

And then we concern the Revuelto. It's also powered by a 6.5-litre naturally-aspirated V12, however it likewise comes geared up with 3 electric motors! As an outcome, this hybrid hero can put down 1,015 hp and 1,062 Nm! The dry weight is 1,772 kg, so it most likely weighs the very best part of 2 tonnes, and as new it costs an eye-watering ₤ 447,000!

So the Revuelto is well up on power, but does it actually have what it requires to lower the SVJ? There's just one method to find out for sure … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to Yianni & Tomi for joining us for this race:
– Revuelto: @yiannimize
– SVJ: @tomi- vehicle.


79 responses to “Lambo Revuelto v Aventador SVJ: DRAG RACE”

  1. @aloniabasmerom8868 Avatar

    Finally a Gintani Aventador SVJ sounds incredible

    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!😢

    2. @aloniabasmerom8868 Avatar

      R u a bot ​@@Apnachannal1234

    3. @joehenry5708 Avatar

      ​@@Apnachannal1234 😨

    4. @LaidBackDeveloper Avatar

      I’m honestly going to say I’m not the biggest fan of Gintani exhaust systems. They ruin the Aventador’s unique sound. Also, the claim that the gintani exhaust sounds like an f1 car Is by far the most egregious. It just sounds obnoxious.

    5. @nilsnoot6778 Avatar

      ​@LaidBackDeveloper OK. Sounds exactly like a old school F1 to me.

  2. @j.a.citadel3258 Avatar

    That svj sounds savage.

    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!😂

    2. @Aggie4life77 Avatar

      I has an after market Gentani exhaust. He’s getting the same exhaust on the Revuelto which is why he doesn’t have it.

    3. @stasy3481 Avatar

      @@Aggie4life77yeah, I’ve heard the revuelto with an aftermarket exhaust and it sounds mental

      Of course nothing beats the SVJ tho👌🏾

    4. @the_golem_next_door_and_me Avatar

      @@stasy3481 _The SV has an even brighter sound than the SVJ_

    5. @stasy3481 Avatar

      @@the_golem_next_door_and_me my bad bro, I completely forgot about the SV, you’re right

  3. @yobro6053 Avatar

    5:14 I wasn’t ready for that sound 😱

    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!😊

    2. @Tinoweiyideruiter Avatar

      ⁠@@Apnachannal1234hope u never hit 3k 🤗

    3. @PaganiZondaF650hp Avatar

      Gintani exhaust ❤

  4. @aloniabasmerom8868 Avatar


    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!😂

    2. @esharahnuma4142 Avatar

      @@Apnachannal1234no need to say that every comment

    3. @Two_Sides Avatar

      The last episode was epic! Period

    4. @brianmaxwell1967 Avatar

      Apart from the 5 Aventidors

    5. @Yron2348 Avatar

      @@Apnachannal1234 I got you bro

  5. @KristianKrystev-fc6lb Avatar

    The SVJ has a timeless design. For sure one of the best looking and sounding cars ever produced! Easily picking it over the revuelto

    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!😮

    2. @T0NYMANUEL Avatar


    3. @encoreartz1028 Avatar

      Nah , SV is better looking than SVJ

    4. @SlimShadyZA Avatar

      ​@@encoreartz1028Finally someone said it, and the SVJ is overrated

    5. @heathphoenix1341 Avatar

      Sv is much better looking than svj

  6. @Flowtups Avatar

    this intro is by far the best intro

    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!🎉

    2. @turtle0fhappiness Avatar

      ​@@Apnachannal1234 SHUT UP

    3. @jdm_news Avatar

      @@turtle0fhappinesshe is just trying to make you know that he’s Indian🤣🤣

    4. @user-sk8zq3fj1x Avatar

      ​@@Apnachannal1234how old are you?

    5. @alexandrailubs2945 Avatar


  7. @mattc31 Avatar

    A three way Revuelto race between Yianni , Tomi and Mark would be great to see

    1. @Apnachannal1234 Avatar

      My parents said if I hit 3k they’d buy me a professional camera begging you guys literally begging!!!😮

    2. @lombechewemukulu3767 Avatar

      for sure!!

    3. @sleepysamk1400 Avatar

      @@Apnachannal1234 Get a job

    4. @S93.45 Avatar

      ​@Apnachannal1234 nah they didn’t. Nobody sane would say to their child get likes to get a gift. That’s fkin stupid stfu😂

    5. @rushabranawat Avatar

      Who’s Mark?

  8. @iamunderrated Avatar

    The romance between Yanni and Matt is killin me😂😂

    1. @modibemodiba1606 Avatar

      Most definitely 😂😂😂

    2. @cristianoreda5417 Avatar

      It’s called bromance 😅

    3. @teep8521 Avatar

      Totally bestie behavior lol

    4. @al-imranuddin8687 Avatar

      When mat went black he didn’t go back

    5. @yiannimize Avatar

      @@al-imranuddin8687when he went Greek he reached his peak 😜

  9. @yiannimize Avatar

    Here we go again!!!!! Lambo all day everyday wins this one!!!

    1. @demonplayzthis2171 Avatar

      Was waiting for ya comment 😂😂

    2. @zimcarreviews8941 Avatar

      Your revuelto looks better than Tommy’s . Fact😅

    3. @yiannimize Avatar


    4. @CarbonSickle Avatar

      This guy in the aventador is a bit of a headache. Yianni, you looking hella good and got the car to match

    5. @robertmyrick860 Avatar

      Yiannimize for the win

  10. @kingrabbit101 Avatar

    Matt: “keep going”
    Yanni: “i wasnt going to stop matt”

    1. @alexkidd4604 Avatar


  11. @Rhuanvlogss Avatar

    Wow, what a showdown! The Revuelto vs. SVJ was everything I hoped for on a saturday morning! We still need a Mat vs Yianni bicycle race!🚲 Bet the Carwow Skool Community is hyped about this epic battle! 😎

    1. @CiaraHesse Avatar

      where can i Join? yes we need the bicycle race!!! 😀

    2. @Darian_Westwood Avatar

      still think the aventador looks waayy better and is wayy more emotional! don’t care about 1000hp…

    3. @Darian_Westwood Avatar

      @@CiaraHesse yesss 😀

    4. @Rhuanvlogss Avatar

      @@CiaraHesse search engines are your friend 😉

    5. @Darian_Westwood Avatar

      @@Rhuanvlogss okay 😀 thanks

  12. @BMBShah Avatar

    The level of bromance here is right up the mountain of brokebacking😌

    1. @poplaurentiu4148 Avatar

      They all like Lambos that is it..

  13. @fernandezkamau6011 Avatar

    Mat and yianni are like Deadpool and wolverine😂😂

    1. @alexkidd4604 Avatar


    2. @Hbezzy5 Avatar

      🤣🤣🤣🤣 Facts

    3. @arfiansyah_riza Avatar

      No cap.. 😂

    4. @G0ddEityawesome Avatar

      More like deadpool and deadpool 2

  14. @BootCampSpecimen Avatar

    “Keep going”
    “I wasn’t going to stop, Matt lol..”

  15. @taxissch.4204 Avatar

    Aventador may be slower than Revuelto, but between those two, i choose Aventador all day everyday…

  16. @bkrzyt Avatar

    The amount of GLAZING Matt was doing to Tommy is INSANE😂💀

    1. @EffDinero8 Avatar

      How was it glazing?

  17. @BettyRobinx Avatar

    carwow hitting 10M will be the most well deserved diamond plaque in YT history

    1. @LepKenetmiss Avatar

      but how many bots

    2. @byrondubois_za Avatar

      @@LepKenetmiss exactly. Youtube should be limiting Subscribers on peoples channels anyway.

    3. @unknwnzac1349 Avatar

      ​@@byrondubois_zathat’s fucking dumb. Why would you limit someone’s success and influence on their fanbase. I understand that people use bots but it’s still dumb asf

  18. @ModelMicky Avatar

    15 years passed by but still outmatched by it’s sheer beauty. What a gloriously sounding NA V12. Aventador lineup has to be the best of the best by Lamborghinis. The engine melody, with that looks, daamn, gonna age like Fine Wine!

    1. @sneakworld Avatar

      The Aventador definitely sounds better here but I do believe it is a modified exhaust.

  19. @Anna-y6p3n Avatar

    😍😍😍😍 Finally 🔥🔥a Gintani Aventador SVJ sounds incredible

  20. @Emory-l7l Avatar

    -It’s like herding cats
    -No cats, cattle is easy 😂😂😂

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