Is the Porsche 911 Carrera GTS the perfect 911 AND my obvious upgrade ? | 4K

I enjoy my Boxster 718 GTS but is the Carrera GTS the ideal 911 and my apparent upgrade? I obtained a 992 generation Carrera GTS and attempted to respond to that concern.


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24 responses to “Is the Porsche 911 Carrera GTS the perfect 911 AND my obvious upgrade ? | 4K”

  1. martin boulden Avatar
    martin boulden

    Surely the question is can you afford the difference between the two ? The Boxster secondhand is worth around £50k so can you justify the £80k to jump up ? Maybe a Boxster 4.0 Spyder and a new dog cushion for the footwell ! Woof 🐶 ! ❤

  2. Owen McDonald Avatar
    Owen McDonald

    I though all 911’s had turbos these days, not naturally aspirated.

    1. Petrol Ped Avatar
      Petrol Ped

      Didn’t even spot that slip of the tongue in the edit…sorry 😬

    2. BullyBoxer Avatar

      @Petrol Pedthought you was a blogger .😂

    3. W Avatar

      I was about to say the same!

  3. Rent Rent Rent Lettings Avatar
    Rent Rent Rent Lettings

    Went from 987 to 911.1GTS, beautiful car but just gone back to a 981 Boxster GTS and love it, it’s such a best of both worlds car. KEEP THE BOXSTER PETE 🤩

  4. Samieb155 Avatar

    Great review Pete, but I’m not no where near that league. You’re right though a 991.2 GTS is a good option, but knowing you it would either be the Targa or the Cab version. The HT isn’t an option, unless you’ve borrowed it for the week. 👌👍😜

  5. Steve Mitchell Avatar
    Steve Mitchell

    That’s certainly a beautiful drivers car Pete. Love the colour I saw a 911 in a fantastic blue once but could never find the colour on their configuration site.

  6. Scott Butler Avatar
    Scott Butler

    Another great review Pete, I would probably go for the carrera T , if I was in the position to buy.

  7. John Brown Avatar
    John Brown

    I know I have previously commented here I am not a Porsche fan but I think you may have converted me. The sounds on downshift are simply awesome. I love my i-Pace for instant speed but I am thinking I miss the sounds of a car underneath me. Those seats would be a non negotiable for me whatever the cost. I will need to wait until my son has finished Uni and I don’t need to pay for a flat for him before I can look at Autotrader again. I have been watching the live feed from Goodwood and I am still waiting for the commentary team to say “driven by Petrol Ped” but we have 2 days to come so I am waiting patiently.

  8. Bryce Brown Avatar
    Bryce Brown

    I’ve always wanted a 356! But either of these would be nice 😊 Great video, thanks.

  9. Mark Schraider Avatar
    Mark Schraider

    Consider a 991.1 Ped. 991.2 were the first of the turbo cars. A .1 will be NA, and potentially pre-OPF – then you’ll get a proper flat six noise ! 😀. Downside will be that there’s no CarPlay. Let me know if you’d like to drive one 😉

    1. Tony Coughlin Avatar
      Tony Coughlin

      I agree!! I also have a 991.1 GTS (my third 911… I am an addict!). It is an incredible car for the money and the sound from the N/A engine is epic! £75 – £85k will get you a lovely car from a Porsche dealer with 2yrs warranty, and residuals are very strong on 911s! Good luck with your choice! BTW some good 3rd party CarPlay modules are available for the PCM 3.1 👍

  10. Mark Lawrence Avatar
    Mark Lawrence

    Great review. I went from a 981 GT4 with carbon buckets to the ‘base’ 992 with quite a few options. I miss the GT4, owned it for about three years, but the 992 is a stunning car. It’s a shame Porsches are going up in price such a lot. 😓😓😓 The ‘base’ 992 has plenty of power and allows you to Rev it out without being worried about losing you licence. Ps. As far as I’m aware all 992s, excluding GT products, are turbo powered.

  11. Michał Laskowski Avatar
    Michał Laskowski

    I am pretty sure the new Carrera T with simple stage 1 tune is the perfect way to go. Best daily possible and still huge pottential on the track

  12. Nicola Bennington Avatar
    Nicola Bennington

    Have to agree daily diver comfort seats. I’ve not driven a modern 911, but the auto blip is great. Manual box looks awesome. I just feel they are too big, but I’m driving a 993 so I would say that 🤣

  13. Mark Kingsbury Avatar
    Mark Kingsbury

    Hi Pete – my first Porsche was a 718 GTS 2.5 Coupe. Loved it but like you, I longed for a flat 6 992 CS. I’ve had the 992 for just over 2 years now and have just come back from a road trip to Lake Garda, via a Porsche Factory / Museum tour. They only build 250 cars a day for the world hence the wait and low depreciation. On the waiting list for a 992.1 Cab2S. Just hope to get my allocation before hybrid version released. It’s an amazing car. Although I have gone for the S again, the base is all you need for UK roads. Good luck with your search. Looking forward to your Goodwood films, especially as I won’t be there this time. Keep up the great content

  14. Weenson Oo Avatar
    Weenson Oo

    Thanks for sharing another one of your very inclusive-style offerings Pete. Your channel is just the perfect destination for a Porsche enthusiast.

    Now in your shoes I would opt for a 991.2 GTS. Values had begun to drop as the 992 was introduced but through the past six months they have begun to firm up again. I wonder though if you would consider the Carrrera 4 GTS given our inclement weather, its all-round usability and near bulletproof handling. The Targa as you are aware is an all-wheel drive as is the Turbo. I love the 991.2 and visually, it offers a little more differentiation than the obviously very capable 992 series. Yes the 992 is doubtless a better car with a much updated interior. Porsche always sees to it that a successive generation is exactly what its meant to be but the 991.2 is an excellent machine. A car you that you can daily for many years to come. Perhaps even the one that is your forever 911.

    IMHO naturally.

    Look forward to your next vid. Stay safe!!

  15. Alasdair Wilson Avatar
    Alasdair Wilson

    Great review as always.Very nice car.I’m sure you will be in your own 911 at some point.

  16. Robert Bishopp Avatar
    Robert Bishopp

    Great review, as always. I first saw and fell in love with a 911 when I was 14 years old. Some 50 years later I am expecting a 992 GTS in September and I can’t wait. I wimped-out on the centre-lock wheels for the reasons you mentioned and I was ultra cautious on the options because the prices are eye-watering. My only disappointment is that I can’t specify my tyre preference – seemingly the guys in Zuffenhausen make that choice for you. The Michelin PS4’s would be great and the P Zero’s a close second but I really don’t want the Goodyear Eagles and it seems wrong that buyers can’t decide when options exist for the fabric used for the sun visors or other equally trivial items. When it finally arrives I hope it is as good as you and other YouTubers tell me it is!

  17. Guit Jammin Avatar
    Guit Jammin

    Hey Ped from San Diego again. Love that Python Green 911 GTS and it reminds me of going into Pioneer Porsche in Denver in 1980 and seeing a brand new Python Green 911 Coupe in the showroom. Love at first sight! I bought my first Porsche two years later. It was a lightly used 1978 Guards Red 911SC Targa. Drove that car all over Colorado for several years and then from Denver to Tampa FL and finally out to San Diego. Never let me down once. I honestly think you’re in the sweet spot with your beautiful Boxster GTS, especially given the price you paid. Hang on to it. Where else are you going to get that kind of top-down performance and style for that price any more?

  18. Footey 7 Avatar
    Footey 7

    That’s a great spec but comfort seats for sure and the pups need space !!! Great review 🍻🇨🇦👍🏻

  19. Mossman200 Avatar

    Yet another great video Ped! The GTS version of the Cayman, Boxster and 911 have long been my choices in the ranges. Not having the spare cash for any Porsche, I usually play for one of those variants on BoTB when I can. I love minis too so we have similar tastes in cars generally!

  20. The Oracle Avatar
    The Oracle

    My advice would be to keep the Boxster and buy the car you alluded to in one of your podcasts with Joe –
    the GR Yaris ! It offers all the performance you can use on a British B road with (slightly) more space and
    with four wheel drive you can use it all year road.

    You won’t regret it (I bought one replacing my M240i).

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