I messed up & the roof is way worse than we thought ! [Dream Garage Ep3] | 4K

The original strategy was to keep the rood but we didn't understand it was that bad! Thins are moving at rate with the develop of my . In this episode I mess up big design, we get the big steels in location and the garage actually begins to take shape!


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35 responses to “I messed up & the roof is way worse than we thought ! [Dream Garage Ep3] | 4K”

  1. @matthewlaberge Avatar

    Good Afternoon! Excited to see all of the progress of the Dream Garage.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Cheers 👍

  2. @OliviaAustinko Avatar

    You create material that appeals to both beginners and experienced viewers. Good versatility.👌🏼 % 🌻.

  3. @Jason-Hicks Avatar

    Coming along quite nicely. Thanks for bringing us along.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      No problem 👍

  4. @MichaelBroehm-ll9lt Avatar

    Enjoying the series. Will be great, when its finished.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Fingers crossed!

  5. @charleswatson7281 Avatar

    Having done this I can tell you that there will be times when you have to grit your teeth financially as it all costs a lot more than you thought! But …it really is worth it when it’s finished – keep smiling 👍

    1. @fraser7744 Avatar

      Rule of thumb when working on old structures – take the builders estimate and multiply by two, at least.

    2. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Very true!

  6. @beano6452 Avatar

    Just as well you weren’t around to film the steelwork going in, Ped. I expect the builder didn’t want you filming them manual handling them into position and getting a call from the HSE 😂

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar


  7. @matthewrumble306 Avatar

    Looking great Pete! Huge progress, can’t wait for the roof off vid! 👍

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Coming soon!

  8. @brumsgrub8633 Avatar

    The Ped Shed is looking great

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thanks 🙏🏻

  9. @k3nco Avatar

    Looking good Pete, wish I had kept a video diary like this when we extended our house 12 years ago. Keep ’em coming..

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thanks, will do!

  10. @jimcabezola3051 Avatar

    Now THIS is a wonderful job site!
    Nothing goes wrong here!
    Because of those four-legged managers supervising every step of the job!
    I’ve enjoyed working at every place I’ve worked when we had dogs with us. It made every workplace better!
    YOU yourself must get tremendous amounts of work done as well, what with the Petrol Pups by your side.
    Oh, BTW, your garage build is looking great. It’ll be a beautiful place! Heck, I even liked the “Before” condition. The “After” will be a success for the ages.

    Much aloha to you!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thanks Jim. Always gotta have dogs around 👍

  11. @jeffbrooker5183 Avatar

    I’m so excited for you!! WOW, it’s amazing how the garage was originally built and nothing plum. It’s just amazing how the team is trying to keep it looking original and yet properly built. I look forward to the next episode and was fun on your next adventure!!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thank you so much!!

  12. @mrmawson2438 Avatar

    Cheers mate

  13. @danielheathcote5625 Avatar

    Interesting to watch the progress, enjoying some different films! It’s amazing how much of a difference there is in the gap between the steel and the beam end to end. We had an old barn that we looked at working on to make it in to a granny annexe at my parents place and a lot of similar issues would have arisen. We concreted and levelled the floor in the middle section so my dad could keep his ride on mower, trailer and some other stuff in there – we knew the floor wasn’t level but you really appreciated the difference compared to the ground outside once it was dome, we ended up having to do some small landscaping!

  14. @laurencemajury8422 Avatar

    Don’t drink every time Ped says exciting 🍻

    1. @user-ci8wv1vd2b Avatar

      I tried, now waiting for new liver…

    2. @PetrolPed Avatar


  15. @AndrewMcDonald Avatar

    Grew up in a converted Tudor barn in Buckinghamshire, can’t wait to see this completed.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar


  16. @spendover Avatar

    Just brilliant… you show us how well you’re doing and also drive and comment on cars you never actually at the time experienced…. brilliant 😀

  17. @tomjowitt8554 Avatar

    If the builders are installing the upstairs floor without a roof in place to protect it from rain, ask them to cover the chipboard floorboards with a temporary cover, as it really doesn’t react well to water, despite claims from manufacturers.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Don’t worry. They aren’t 👍

  18. @CHUNKYLOZZA Avatar

    Epic update video, looking like it’s going to be a mega space for your cars and office. Roll on the next update video.

  19. @GoodOnYerMate Avatar

    Love watching this as can relate, had a loft conversion done with new stairs, velux windows. Completely re-roofed as well. Our house is over 100 years old and there ain’t a straight line to be found. Thats what makes it all fun😉

  20. @ianashton1593 Avatar

    It’s looking great, fantastic progress 👍

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