FIRST LOOK – Renault 5 is Reborn – Renault actually made the Concept Car ! | 4K

I was welcomed to in Paris for an exclusive sneak peek of the all brand-new . The is born-again and they have in fact made the concept automobile that we initially saw 12-18 months ago. In this video I get the chance to reveal you around the production prepared ahead of it's worldwide launching. A very fascinating vehicle for that's for sure.


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45 responses to “FIRST LOOK – Renault 5 is Reborn – Renault actually made the Concept Car ! | 4K”

  1. @wrathofbod Avatar

    love the gt and Gordini

  2. @cephasmakuzva Avatar

    Excited for this one. These guys have actually turned the beautiful concept car into the production version. Props and Shout-out Renault. Its a great car that’ll do well. Renault we love you. Continue to work with Petrol Ped to bring us more content on your awesome cars in the future.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thanks 🙏🏻

  3. @froomer17 Avatar

    Baguette in France – Baseball bat in London!

    1. @vaudou74 Avatar

      i think for the US as import, u could fit a shotgun….. kinda a US baguette.

  4. @Brian-om2hh Avatar

    This will be a winner for Renault. EV’s at the less costly end of the market are what is needed now.

    1. @FL-ym6hm Avatar

      Over here in North America all they want to sell are big expensive EV’s. I just think that is the wrong approach. $100,000.00 for a big pickup truck that really can’t tow isn’t going to get people in EV’s.

    2. @kiae-nirodiariesencore4270 Avatar

      Indeed..and what with the Citroen e-C3 getting into showrooms here in France now at €23,000..that’s another more affordable EV

    3. @PeterKirton-nu9iv Avatar

      For me it does not matter how cheap EV’s become until the infrastructure is sorted out so that charging becomes as easy and convenient as filling up with liquid I would not consider buying one.

    4. @kiae-nirodiariesencore4270 Avatar

      @irton-nu9iv I’ve owned an EV for 5 years, it’s our only car. In the first couple of years it was ‘touch and go’ a few times on long hauls to find a rapid charger but in the past 2 years it has been so easy that I hardly bother using the app to plan the journey. We live in rural France, the Poitou-Charente so the nearest towns of any size are 60 km away. We’ve done 4 trips to UK, one to Germany, two to Switzerland and one to Spain, never had any problems using public chargers and never had to wait to get onto a charger. It seems to me that people who suffer from ‘range anxiety’ and worry about finding a charger are people who don’t own EVs!…I would never go back to hand over my hard earned cash to the oil billionaires and handling a dirty, smelly pump.

    5. @JonathanPalfrey Avatar

      @@PeterKirton-nu9iv Its funny after 4 years of EV ownership the idea of having to go to a petrol station feels so convoluted and inconvenient.

      We do need to see at least one or two rapid hubs in each town for those that can’t charge at home, obviously place is at the supermarket so you can charge up for the week while you do your weekly shop.

  5. @SirRounded Avatar

    I think the production model actually looks better than the concepts! Please keep up updated on this one Ped! 😄I may have just bought myself a lovely night blue Mk7 GTD, but this Renault is veeeery interesting

  6. @dominicrusho Avatar

    This has infinitely more charm than any anonymous Chinese offering. Renault going after emotional appeal is a clever strategy.

    1. @PlatinumNath Avatar

      Renault every once in a while does that. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have made the Twingo, or the Clio V6

    2. @dominicrusho Avatar

      @@PlatinumNath …and as such it’s great to see the Twingo is due a revival in the near future too!

    3. @mystisith3984 Avatar

      Exactly. When you look at the younger generations, they enjoy the ol’ timers & everyone is so fed up with boring clonic SUVs…
      Also, realistically, the middle class is shrinking everywhere: 80K for a new vehicle that will be obsolete 8 years later is just not financially acceptable. Back to healthy basics + personality.

    4. @jamiep61 Avatar

      Thank you for Filming the Video, a Car I’m very excited about 😊

  7. @cotswoldphotographers Avatar

    Pete I love it 😍 I’m a little bit older than you but it’s truly iconic and will always remember the first car I ever hired on holiday in Spain which was a knackered 1980’s 5! So much fun and so many fond memories. Love our mini electric but this for me is as iconic and I’d buy one ❤

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Right on!

  8. @neilbarden9430 Avatar

    What a fantastic looking thing, well done Renault. So much more appealing than what MINI are doing now, and the first EV I might actually want.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Looks good doesn’t it 👌

  9. @davecoussens9801 Avatar

    Oh my days , The want is strong with that little beauty, I instantly regretted selling my R5 GTTurbo , so I think some ‘ManMath’ is in order 🙂

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      LOL 😂

  10. @francoisg3500 Avatar

    Good morning all! I will save this to watch late today in the evening. Hope everyone is doing well and have a great week.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Good morning!

  11. @johnmullarky Avatar

    Thanks Pete. Renault are nailing it with EV design with the 5 and the Mégane E Tech .

  12. @shakesnbake Avatar

    It’s been a long time since a Renault made me smile so much 😊 The battery indicator is giving me Clio Williams air scoop vibes. Thanks for the exclusive.

  13. @philsteed794 Avatar

    For years Renault lost its design inspiration but not now. This is fantastic and I love it. Let’s hope battery performance and price are up there with the best. Well done Renault ❤️

  14. @johnball4826 Avatar

    So nice to see that colours are coming back in fashion. I am so sick to death of Black, Grey and Silver cars

    1. @SWR112 Avatar

      It’s not back till I see brown and gold 😂

  15. @DarrenJMHughes Avatar

    This new breed of Renaults looks really cool and a car you would want to own and this R5, they have hit a home run for sure.

  16. @jeffm1971 Avatar

    Up until now, The Peugeot E208 was my favourite in terms of looks since it was launched, This Renault 5 is an absolute stunner.

  17. @garnray8568 Avatar

    It looks so gorgeous! Love it! It’s very MAGNIFIQUE! Vive le Republic!

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thank you! Cheers!

  18. @ISuperTed Avatar

    There are loads of videos on the Renault today, but yours is by far the best, principally due to your obvious passion for it. I’m a similar age and was brought up in the world of 205/Golf Gti’s etc and do miss them. This one has gone right to the top of my next company car list (although not sure the wife will want the yellow one!).

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Thank you 🙏🏻 The global embargo dropped at 0900 UK time that’s why 👍

  19. @ewadge Avatar

    It was nice to see you lend you height to Matteo Valenzia on his video.

    Love the design of the Renault 5

  20. @GRfourfun Avatar

    Finally an EV I’m excited by and makes me smile when I look at it. Well done Renault.

    1. @PetrolPed Avatar

      Yep 👍

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