Dodge NASCAR v Ford Mustang: DRAG RACE

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It's time for an all-American DRAG RACE!

Mat's lining up in a Ford , and he's about to go head-to-head against a 2008 ! But which will come out on top – Dodge, or Ford?

Well for beginners, let's take a look at the stats. The is powered by a 5.9-litre naturally-aspirated V8 that can provide 900hp and 730Nm of torque (although it's presently producing around 700hp). This power is sent to the rear wheels via a 4-speed handbook gearbox, and the car weighs in at simply 1,400 kg. In terms of financial value, it's worth around ₤ 100,000.

Then together with it, we have the road-going Ford . This is powered by a 5-litre naturally-aspirated V8 that can produce 451hp and 527Nm. This power is sent to the rear wheels only by means of a 10-speed dual-clutch automated gearbox, and the car pointers the scales at 1,843 kg. If you're looking to select one up now, it'll cost around ₤ 50,000.

So will the newer Mustang win it? Or will the power to success? There's only one way to discover … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to @BACKFIRE-MEDIA for joining us with their NASCAR!


100 responses to “Dodge NASCAR v Ford Mustang: DRAG RACE”

  1. @thediffguy Avatar

    Next vid:Every German high performance estate drag race

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Like Audi S4, RUF RGT, RUF BTR 2, and AUDI RS7 Performance?

    2. @xdergenickbruch2358 Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089RGT and BRT 2 arent estates

    3. @Yarkozhaluva Avatar


    4. @Ayedidyae Avatar

      Boring. Junk disposable german shitboxes that make farting noises on gearchanges and get smoked on any UK B-road by an MX5 😂

    5. @senzelian Avatar

      @@Ayedidyae As a German I’m deeply offended you’re dragging a beautiful MX-5 into such a comparison. 🤣

  2. @Neo-Thebe.01 Avatar

    M8 competition v M5 cs v gt63 s e performance v RS7 next 🔥🙏🏻

    1. @collinsgamer5464 Avatar


    2. @MR_stone69 Avatar

      ​@@collinsgamer5464why not

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Add also Toyota GT ONE ROAD CAR or McLaren F1 GTR to the mix.

    4. @eptdy Avatar

      Why we’ve seen that a million times.

  3. @akhmadsulaimanprawira8546 Avatar

    nerd fact checker here, mustang has 10-speed torque converter, not dual-clutch.🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      The Mustang should’ve also had Triple clutch plate and a racing flywheel.

    2. @markgt894 Avatar

      Mustang should have the manual

    3. @benjaminmatute9085 Avatar

      But the one in the video is a 6 speed manual and not the legendary 10 speed ford and Chevy made.

    4. @senzelian Avatar

      @@benjaminmatute9085 The one in the video is the 10 speed, not the manual. Mat even says this and shows how it shifted from 8th to 3rd gear in the rolling race.

    5. @catmanscarchannel Avatar

      Actually it has both the converter and 4 clutches. I own one, in dragrace mode it changes gears on full power! I hope they used drag mode because that is the fastest. I also have magneride that also sets the stiffness for drag race.

  4. @PMichaelG Avatar

    That nascar V8 sound is glorious

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Wish the Taurus Stock Car also joins in.

    2. @joe125ful Avatar

      But its sooo slow….

    3. @martinsvensson6884 Avatar

      @@joe125ful They are extremely fast. 900hp and not a lot of weight.

    4. @TML34 Avatar

      @@joe125fulthe gearing and clutch isn’t great for drag racing. But they are fast af.

    5. @TeoM Avatar

      More like junk

  5. @bigsho5218 Avatar

    10 speed dual clutch huh Matt??? lol 😂

    1. @JBFlytography Avatar

      Torque converter is it not? 🤔

    2. @conor7154 Avatar

      They messed up every part of this video lmao

    3. @oskarskalski2982 Avatar

      ​@@JBFlytography yeah, it is based on zf 8hp.

    4. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@JBFlytographyits should’ve had tachometer check also.

    5. @jeremyclares4851 Avatar

      Mat Watsus definitely knew he messed up right after when he said it has a 10 speed DCT instead of a TCAT…

  6. @utkarshjha5255 Avatar

    Ngl this was the most disappointing Carwow video…..

    1. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      German EV hybrid era now nothing much to review

    2. @hamiddz8607 Avatar

      yeah like
      why thy even bother to post it

    3. @AngryLad_80 Avatar


    4. @saywhat8819 Avatar

      Feels like a filler episode

    5. @conor7154 Avatar

      This is definitely one of the worst videos they’ve put out.

  7. @kingboss6113 Avatar

    Why no sound check? 😢

    1. @m3e92ismydreamcar Avatar

      Exactly. Imagine having a freaking Nascar stock car and not revving it..

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@m3e92ismydreamcarGARAGE 56 NASCAR also allow them to revving it.

    3. @totov7673 Avatar

      Bc we know the nasscar would win

    4. @gulshanbudhwani2747 Avatar

      No intro and fun also . Ridiculous video for first time

  8. @Axter6 Avatar

    NASCAR always does a rolling start to be fair, and they don’t have traction control or anything like that either.

    1. @LashlayDS9 Avatar

      thats what i was thinking. nascar is more a endurance race, not so much about acceleration. who can hit the perfect line with the perfect speed over a long time without its car breaking down.

    2. @tomshepard9050 Avatar

      Plus dude can’t drive, has the wrong passport and his weight balances it out with the stang.

    3. @306hdipug Avatar

      All that and it would have still lost lol

    4. @derjoh1986 Avatar

      Still, 700 horsepower is 700 horsepower! Which I highly doubt the NASCAR had during the race.

    5. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@LashlayDS9NASCAR cars are very reliable despite the car is quite heavy like a muscle car and only has a 4 speed gearbox (5 in Gen 7 NASCAR cars).

  9. @Incountry Avatar

    The gearing is so tall as it’s not made for 0-60 times, as 3rd can run up to 150/170+ …..

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      4th gear can run up to 198mph.

    2. @totov7673 Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089whats the point if takes forever to get there??

    3. @joe125ful Avatar

      @@totov7673 Lose race i guess:)

    4. @joe125ful Avatar

      Yeah when you are that dumb to not put there 6 speed…

    5. @Tattle-by-Tale Avatar

      @@totov7673 Because it’s an endurance racer. It’s built for racing around a track at 200mph, not drag race accelerating lol.

  10. @conor7154 Avatar

    This was such a bizarre video. Who the hell was driving that nascar and where did they even get it from? It was completely falling apart. Who decided it would be a good idea to release this?

    1. @flobama3247 Avatar

      They’re from the UK so they think Nascar is “stewpid”. They don’t care to make it look bad, because if they didn’t they would’ve had the nascar race the mustang from a roll, which is what it was designed to do, instead of a dig.

    2. @8bitmalfunction242 Avatar

      @@flobama3247 well if you watched any carwow drag video you know they do roll races after the drag. But yea they purposely made the video to dunk on nascar, big brain thinking.

    3. @kennethluff4736 Avatar


    4. @maklogetrich2378 Avatar

      and they’re confused, is it the temp are high or just run out of fuel

    5.  Avatar

      You must be new to carwow videos.

  11. @FortuneSento Avatar

    Ford mustang vs Dodge NASCAR ❌

    Ford Mustang vs Cupra Formentor SUV✅

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Cupra Formentor SUV should’ve been replaced by Ford RS200 GROUP B.

  12. @stefanomarchi3542 Avatar

    How the F could a 700hp V8 be so slow?

    1. @TheReal_JG Avatar

      Because the cup car is not meant for 0-60. Every Nascar race starts as a rolling start, not F1 style. Longer gears also mean more top speed. The Garage 56 Nascar from last year’s Le Mans also had a different transmission for the corners.

    2. @TheNightYoshi Avatar

      @@TheReal_JG I would have loved to see the rolling race first before they overheated it with the standing starts but oh well.

    3. @joe125ful Avatar

      @@TheReal_JG Eh..700Hp..

    4. @totov7673 Avatar

      Because the 700 HP is crank its not on the wheel unlike the spanish suv its making the 370HP on the wheels. EU=WHP America= crank hp

    5. @key2shawn154 Avatar

      because they have speed restrictors they can hit 241 and 243

  13. @SteveRogers-qz9bd Avatar

    It would be cool to have the Nascar Camaro that raced at Le Mans, Garage 56, competing against a Mustang, find a way to bring that car to us

    1. @key2shawn154 Avatar

      if you wanna see fast check out the dodge charger daytona stock car and plymouth super bird stock car

    2. @car_ventures Avatar

      The Garage 56 Le Mans Camaro was at Goodwood last year. Not sure where it’s gone to now

  14. @SpartanHighKing14 Avatar

    Standard American muscle race…….intense engine sound + loads of power = zero traction.

    1. @senzelian Avatar

      I mean that’s what muscle cars have always been. They’re always about the experience. I don’t think any muscle car manufacturer ever said “this is going to be a proper sports car”. But it’s not like they can’t build that, as the Ford GT as proven time and time again.

    2. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      ​@@senzelianShelby Mustang and Ford Mustang RTR-X also.

    3. @senzelian Avatar

      ​@@purwantiallan5089 Yup agreed! 👍

    4. @totov7673 Avatar

      😂 mat during some runs typical american muscle car. Mat : What…this lost some power??? for some odd reason

    5. @gmain1977 Avatar

      Yes but most exciting form of drag racing by a mile not 1 litre cars or Audi,BMWs and all that stuff with 0 drag racing history

  15. @nchmusic99 Avatar

    From a Nascar to a random SUV , weirdest Carwow video ever

    1. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Or again to Gen 7 NASCAR Cup Cars like 2022 Ford Mustang NASCAR.

    2. @taxissch.4204 Avatar

      They put the cupra afterwards like ” does anyone here have an extra car to compare with the Mustang”?

    3. @vocabulairedunbastoss3533 Avatar

      And matt looking like he had too much whisky yesterday

    4. @8tonystark8 Avatar

      ​@@vocabulairedunbastoss3533 Bloke wears sunglasses on a cloudy day but doesn’t bring them on a sunny day

    5.  Avatar

      Meanwhile ethanol fueled awd turbo Honda people mover…

  16. @smcdetailing7921 Avatar

    Imagine taking a full blown race car to a video shoot to race it. And not A. Making sure the car can race. B. Bringing enough fuel with you to race. Embarrassing

    1. @masmainster Avatar

      I don’t have to imagine it, I just saw it happen.

    2. @Ayedidyae Avatar

      Dudes short shifting into 2nd so early he managed to bog down an N/A V8😂 Someone needs to tell him to give up, that was hugely embarrassing that

    3. @johncarl5505 Avatar

      @smcdetailing7921 With all the Brits making fun of how simple a NASCAR Cup car is, they sure have difficulty running one. If they can’t run simple American machines, how will they run more complex ones like an F35 or a Chinook.

    4. @sugar4522 Avatar

      @@johncarl5505I once drove an srt10 ram single cab manual! That was the most bonkers surreal thing I’ve ever experienced 😂

    5. @VollstandigErleuchtung Avatar

      ​@@johncarl5505none making fun of it here, and those old nascars we’re just simple compared to European race cars of the time. Also tf is the F35 here 🗿, none of yall know how to run that besides the airforce, and that’s a plane, well if you mean the jet otherwise i don’t know what f35 you talking about

  17. @ronmac1832 Avatar

    So the NASCAR “race car” is slightly faster than my wife’s V6 Camry?

    1. @NoName-gv6pi Avatar

      It’s show, it’s not a real cup car

    2. @totov7673 Avatar

      Your wife camary does 14.6@100 mph. Its alot slower bro 😅 nascar did 13.4

    3. @key2shawn154 Avatar

      no the car has restrictor plates and they downed the horse power

    4. @totov7673 Avatar

      @@key2shawn154 does not matter its 700 crank hp

    5. @key2shawn154 Avatar

      @@totov7673 does matter the car only hits 180 with restrictors it hits 243mph and turn doing 214 please learn about the engineering of these cars

  18. @FLLCI Avatar

    I love the fact that they do eagle sound when mustang crosses the finish first 😂

  19. @BeautifulGuinerveSalcedoMonte Avatar

    So a family s u v from Europe is better than performance-built cars from America. How are they 1850kg and 1400kg? While the fat SUV is 1650. I understand a v8 weights a lot but come on this is ridiculous.

    1. @mackassef473 Avatar

      What? The 1/4 race is Only remotely close because of AWD lol.. also I think Matt just doesn’t know the car well enough to launch it good. Motortrend literally got a 12.1 in a stock GT mustang…. almost a whole second faster this what Matt got. other then that it got beaten badly. Idk what race u were watching

    2. @benjames4663 Avatar

      And that formentor is ABT tuned ​@@mackassef473

    3. @baddas380 Avatar

      @@mackassef473 It’s because of the surface genius you can clearly see the surface on this track is different and more porous, still American cars are about launching well in a good surface, while European cars are going to launch way better in almost any kind of surface and I’m not talking about 4 wheel drive, BMW and Porsches are an example of that, their launch is always good in any kind of surface, Murican cars aren’t good unless they are in nice pavements, in real life they would be losing in any kind of drag race

    4. @car_ventures Avatar

      The rollcage in the NASCAR stock car is heavy. The rear axle and brakes too. It’s geared for high end speed, so running that race at 50-150mph would have left the Mustang well behind.

  20. @Beautiful-ChihokoKunai Avatar

    Apparently, not having foresight to have fuel for a gas-powered vehicle makes the car unreliable. Impeccable logi

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