Can a tuned V10 Touareg best a tuned V6 Discovery OFF-ROAD?!

Thanks to the groups for lending us their vehicles:
Touareg: @DarksideDevelopments
LR Discovery:
LR Discovery:

Here's an off-road battle you weren't expecting to see today! We have actually got our hands on a , and it's taking on a !

Both of these automobiles have actually been modded, although the types of mods they have actually had are significantly different. So let's see what's altered …

Starting with the Discovery, it's powered by a 3-litre turbo V6 diesel motor which has been tuned a little, and as an outcome, it produces 306hp and 600Nm of torque. It comes packed with a load of off-road tech, consisting of low-range driving modes and central locking diffs. Nevertheless, it's had an entire load of additionals included, from a camping tent box to the roof combined with a refrigerator in the boot! As a result this pointers the scales at an amazing 3,400 kg!

Next up it's the Touareg. It's loading a tuned 5-litre V10 diesel under the bonnet which produces an almighty 352hp and 1000Nm! It's also had a variety of mods from a 50mm height lift through to the addition of huge off-road tyres, and it's a lot lighter than the Disco, coming in at 2,500 kg.

So will the weight difference prove decisive? Or will the power to success? Stick with Mat and see on your own!

Mat's top 10 SUVs:

Inexpensive SUVs off-road:

Variety Rover v Land Cruiser off-road:


60 responses to “Can a tuned V10 Touareg best a tuned V6 Discovery OFF-ROAD?!”

  1. Harry Richardson Avatar
    Harry Richardson

    Gotta love a V10 taurareg

    1. スジャンjd Avatar

      @Big Pimp You got issues, kid.

    2. theShowman Avatar

      The Touareg looks meaner.

    3. METTASSI Avatar


  2. James Moist Avatar
    James Moist

    There is something about sport SUVs where they are so big and clunky that the massive engines feel redundant, but then they have amazing speeds like this off-road, and even on road. really cool to see

    1. Lone Rider Avatar
      Lone Rider

      Sport suv……..
      Sport….Sport utility vehicle.

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Lone Rider the SUV cars kinda reminded me a lot to FORD RACING OFFROAD again.

    3. Jori Diculous Avatar
      Jori Diculous

      yea, the Sports Sport Utility vehicle is quite sporty, twice as much as a regular SUV.

  3. SaveReport Avatar

    V10 TDI, love to see it, hate to repair it when it breaks…. Like the W12…

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yes. Like even the Buick Special and VW NARDO CONCEPT W12.

  4. D Avatar

    Next episode : See which engine lasts longer till it blows? 🤔

    1. Thabz Mad Avatar
      Thabz Mad

      @Purwanti Allan lol, just Google VW V10 TDI problems, golf engine not part of the topic and definitely not modular part of the V10 in question.

    2. Random Commenter 1 Avatar
      Random Commenter 1

      Ironically, the SDV6 has less chances of breaking down than V10 TDI. Want proof? I’ve seen plenty of Land Rovers with the SDV6 and they all have reasonably high mileage. Touareg V10 TDI on the other hand is rarer than some of planet’s most endangered animals.

    3. Big duphus AJ Avatar
      Big duphus AJ

      Both these cars are disposable junk and darkside make tiktokers cars. That v10 has diabolical reliability

    4. kevin toover Avatar
      kevin toover

      V10 probably

  5. ThaDynaKat Avatar

    Damn that V10 has got quite a few miles

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Touareg has extra power.

    2. ThaDynaKat Avatar

      @Purwanti Allan ik

  6. Quattro Joe Avatar
    Quattro Joe

    Those V10’s are a bit dodgy for maintaining but they are absolute animals.

    1. Oskar Avatar

      @andy chapman The U.S. got the V10 diesel Touareg for something like six months before a new legislation was passed limiting it. We sold a handful at our dealership before we stopped receiving them. Absolute torque-monster as you’d expect (something like 700+ lb/ft just on factory settings).

    2. barry temple Avatar
      barry temple

      @Quattro Joethe gap diagnostic tool is 500 euros to buy and finds the faults first time every time

    3. Mati Battaglia Avatar
      Mati Battaglia

      They are not that bad, just need the right oil.

    4. Pavan Rajesh Avatar
      Pavan Rajesh

      @Quattro Joe lol true 😂😂

    5. Nicolas Rosa Avatar
      Nicolas Rosa

      @Heinz Ketchup Jokes on you the N/A W12 is a simple and reliable engine

  7. Anonymous Anonim Avatar
    Anonymous Anonim

    Damn V10 TDI is true beast incredible power and torque. hard to deny the raw power.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      The Touareg with V10 TDI has around 411 bhp.

  8. Adam Avatar

    Their never gonna let Ghram live down that fall, 😂

  9. Defiant Rascal Avatar
    Defiant Rascal

    should have done a quarter-mile race to see which is the fastest.

    1. Alex Norris Avatar
      Alex Norris

      @Samuel Hughes no

    2. Maximus Avatar

      @Samuel Hughes no

    3. HeltKlartsoeholm Avatar

      @Samuel Hughes no

    4. Ian Charlton Avatar
      Ian Charlton

      £100k in mods……. and didn’t buy the panel that centres the rear plate ? 🤔

      Still looks like a tramps hat……. 😥

    5. Alex Norris Avatar
      Alex Norris

      @Ian Charlton definitely not £100k in mods. the car with mods probably isn’t worth £100k, that’s just what it was insured for.

  10. B8 YEP Avatar
    B8 YEP

    That Touareg is legit just a real life Batman Tumbler

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Batman Tumbler? Well its cool.

  11. FalconLeon Avatar

    That exhaust pipe coming out right under the rear fender flare is an interesting customization 😂

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      This one is downright epic.

    2. Anna Henrietta Avatar
      Anna Henrietta

      It’s to aid with rear departure angle , if you took it all the way back you could crush it off road and if it didn’t fully break you’d choke your engine and have to cut it off before continuing, or worse , if you didn’t have the tools you’d be stuck.

    3. FalconLeon Avatar

      @Purwanti Allan yep, 37 degrees 💪

  12. Reiberle Avatar

    First gen Touareg was so cool.
    And probably no car had a wider range of engines to chose from. 5,6,8,10 and 12 cylinders.

  13. EFerrorfile Avatar

    Touraeg looks really damn good when modified like this. I love it.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yes. I also love it.

  14. Syed Raed A. Gilani- DPS Avatar
    Syed Raed A. Gilani- DPS

    The way Matt drifted the Touareg just made my day!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yes. Imagine if Mat also drifted the Renault 5 Turbo.

    2. yeetboi Avatar

      Yes i believe he learned that skill on a previous video

  15. Cameron Bichener Avatar
    Cameron Bichener

    Love to see Nick in another video, he doesn’t get enough screen time. Love his sarcasm and humour

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Agree. Nick is a very charming guy.

    2. Josh. Avatar

      @Trlalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala HAHAHHAHAHA that was so funny.

  16. Route 99 Brasil Avatar
    Route 99 Brasil

    O vão livre da Touareg parece tão melhor do que os números que passaram

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan


  17. vibeslide Avatar

    No way that Disco has more ground clearance than that Touareg.

    1. carholic1336 Avatar

      It actually has lol!!!

    2. Nombre Avatar

      Those side steps..

  18. Andrew Jones Productions Avatar
    Andrew Jones Productions

    As a Discovery 5 owner, I am ecstatic about this result! I have seen this Disco 5 on YouTube before. I mentioned then (in jest), but we used to have an endearing, but oddball Minister (of Chapel) in our village in Wales who’s number plate started with PEJ (just like this one) and got the nickname from his number plate. Once again, I suspect that divine intervention was at play during this challenge also 🤣. Seriously though, Land Rover have some fantastic off-road technology in their vehicles and I honestly think it is criminal that they don’t put as much effort into quality control of their electronics and rid themselves of their poor reliability reputation. So far, touch wood, I haven’t had any problems with mine though.

    1. Amrit Avatar

      JLR CEO said last year that they want to actively work towards increasing the reliability of all their vehicles. So hopefully all Land Rovers will be problem free like yours! 🤞

    2. snakey briskins Avatar
      snakey briskins

      There absolutely crap allways have been allways will be. Best thing to do is sell it 😂

    3. Jabberwocky tdi Avatar
      Jabberwocky tdi

      Landrover are buying their parts from all the same suppliers as the other manufacturers, if Landrovers are less reliable than other brands then it’s about the overall vehicle/systems engineering or LR skimping on the specs , not the quality of the individual components.

  19. Antonio Absalon Aquino Avatar
    Antonio Absalon Aquino

    The sound of a V10 is addicting. The Viper, R8, M5, LFA…never gets old!!

    1. Vid Laznik Šoštar Avatar
      Vid Laznik Šoštar

      Exactly v10s are sick, probably my favorite type of engine

  20. CarStart Avatar

    The Touareg screams badass while the Discovery screams geeky. Good performance for both

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