BMW X5M v Urus Performante v Cayenne Turbo GT v RSQ8: Power & Weight SHOWDOWN!

It's time for an efficiency SUV dyno face-off!

We've lined up 4 of the hottest SUVs on sale today, and we will learn just how precise the producers' performance figures remain in reality!

Let's take a look at the lineup. To begin with, it's the Audi , which is powered by a 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 stated to produce 600hp and 800Nm of torque.

Following on is the BMW X5 Competitors, with its 4.4-litre twin-turbo V8 declared to offer 625hp and 800Nm of torque.

Our 3rd SUV is the Porsche Turbo GT. Utilizing a really comparable 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 to the Audi, it's declared to kick out 640hp and 850Nm.

Finally, we have the Lamborghini Urus Performante. Once again using a variation of the V8 discovered in the Audi and Porsche, it's stated to provide 666hp and 850Nm.

Will any vehicles outperform their claimed figures? Or perhaps worse, will any underperform?! Stick with Mat for this to see for yourself!

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Thanks to Lamborghini Urus Performante Porsche Turbo GT BMW X5 M

Competition Audi Garage Whifbitz ScaleSmart … … … …

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… … … … … … … Offer your with :


59 responses to “BMW X5M v Urus Performante v Cayenne Turbo GT v RSQ8: Power & Weight SHOWDOWN!”

  1. Dzon Travolta Avatar
    Dzon Travolta

    I love that you provide this information for us Mat , great choice for this video … 👍

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Those cars deserved tons of praise.

  2. El jajas xd Avatar
    El jajas xd

    We need a drag race with this cars!

    1. justus_so Avatar

      was already done and the porsche won

    2. vinayak pandey Avatar
      vinayak pandey

      ​@justus_so was not fair for bmw and lambo

    3. 2URLex Avatar

      @vinayak pandey Porsche won fair and square

    4. El jajas xd Avatar
      El jajas xd

      ​@justus_soWas done with the normal Urus

  3. Zno Avatar

    This is starting to be my second favorite Carwow series, after the drag races of course.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @FAZ Comedy the reviews 2nd. Drag Races 1st tho.

    2. OG Bobbus Avatar
      OG Bobbus

      Bing chilling

    3. Sakhiwe Avatar

      Bing chilling

    4. pator fllied Avatar
      pator fllied

      ping is penguin aren’t you?

    5. NHC Avatar

      i liked the dyno videos always…from carwow at least

  4. FAZ Comedy Avatar
    FAZ Comedy

    These comparisons are exceptionally interesting! Keep up the magnificent work Carwow!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan


    2. The Flying Clutchman Avatar
      The Flying Clutchman

      3 Audi’s and 1 BMW. Should have swapped one out for a GLE63s

    3. michael douglas Avatar
      michael douglas

      GLE 63s should’ve been apart of this lineup 😢

  5. twostyleboys Avatar

    After the measurement you should do a drag race for the end. Then you can connect the stats and what actually happens on the road. Would be very interesting! 😌

    1. Benson Shoko Avatar
      Benson Shoko

      Drag race is needed

    2. gav com Avatar
      gav com

      There’s a video of this already bruh look it up

    3. DeadlyDeal Avatar

      Yeah please

    4. emmanuel addo Avatar
      emmanuel addo

      @Juggernaut Alpha so they also understate their power figures

    5. DamanShark Avatar

      He did this race like a year ago

  6. Eric Smith Avatar
    Eric Smith

    Please keep these vids coming Matt. Great content

  7. Jullia Capybara Avatar
    Jullia Capybara

    Matt we need to see a drag race of these cars !!

    1. Manilli Avatar

      @Gilberto That Urus was new and not broken in, it even lost to the BMW

    2. Xtreme Racer Avatar
      Xtreme Racer


    3. Ertugrul Bae Avatar
      Ertugrul Bae

      ​@Gilberto urus was brand new so that’s an issue. Car isn’t as powerful until first service at ~2500miles. The manufacturers limit it until then. Also new tyres have less grip and as they’re older and more scratched..grip increases.

      The stats here clearly show that the Urus should win

    4. Ertugrul Bae Avatar
      Ertugrul Bae

      ​​@Yissi Biiyte facelift BMWs always have more power added over the years over the pre facelift. Same happened with the M5

      But I do believe the Urus will win

  8. Edgar Lubulellah Avatar
    Edgar Lubulellah

    Carwow has defined motoring entertainment for a generation of gearheads that didn’t get to experience the old Top Gear. Love this channel! 💯

    1. comeberza Avatar

      how is spitting random power numbers entertaining

  9. turbotrana Avatar

    Enjoyed this comparison, would have been good to do a drag race also. Logging boost curves even better.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Add also Mazda LM55.

  10. Kasem B Avatar
    Kasem B

    i actually love these dyno videos, hope to see even more soon!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yes. Do Dyno drag races with VW NEW BEETLE.

  11. Tom Spain Avatar
    Tom Spain

    The size of the aftermarket wheels on the BMW definitely add an extra ton

    1. Raheim Bowen Avatar
      Raheim Bowen

      exactly what i’m saying. not a whole ton but it def add good amount of weight to the car. those wheels are fucking huge

  12. majkiboy86 Avatar

    Matt,whoever came up with the idea of this series is a genius. We want mooore 😀 Looks like the Porsche is electronically limited with power there. Great video as always

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      These cars are so gorgeous. Add also Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport MR to do drag race with them.

  13. rotatingglasssafe Avatar

    These Dyno videos are genuinely really interesting. Especially this one where 3 or the 4 cars are rebadged chassis. Just goes to show how much difference a tune makes. Love the real world power per tonne values too. Please keep this series up. I feel like you should do this as a precursor to the drag races ☺️☺️☺️☺️

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan


    2. Throttle Body Avatar
      Throttle Body

      True, but the VAG cars are more than just a tune. They also have some hardware upgrades.

    3. rotatingglasssafe Avatar

      @Throttle Body yes I can imagine the intakes and exhaust setups are all slightly different but overall you have the same engine. Same turbos. Just different mapping. Intake & exhaust are only a small factor in these factory tune setups

  14. KilimitiFrriuuu Avatar

    You should also calculate the price per horse power. That would be interesting.

    1. Mohammad Almhbshi Avatar
      Mohammad Almhbshi


    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Mohammad Almhbshi agree.

    3. Hardeep Singh Avatar
      Hardeep Singh


    4. sdefonta Avatar

      X5m wins hands down

  15. Ultra MB Avatar
    Ultra MB

    Damn that RSQ8 sounded awesome

    1. Chitterchattertv Avatar


    2. Machinshin Avatar

      Best sounding of the bunch imho. The Porsche sounds very nice also, but it has an anoying “hissing” sound that the Audi does not.

  16. Ahmed Mahmoud Avatar
    Ahmed Mahmoud

    The rsq8 is basically the starting point from which porsche and Lamborghini started to make their own of it

    1. Nico Socha Avatar
      Nico Socha

      I agree, I think I would be no problem to give the RSQ8 more BHP but it needs to fit into the whole range. But no matter which of those cars, they are all very fast.

    2. Hugo Ipek Avatar
      Hugo Ipek

      the chassis was devolped by porsche, audi and vw together. The V8 however is a porsche engine

    3. LoodMan Avatar

      No ! Porsche V8 lol

    4. Ahmed Mahmoud Avatar
      Ahmed Mahmoud

      @Hugo Ipekcorrect.
      Nonetheless in this case the audi, porsche,lamborghini cars just feels like trim levels of each others mechanically with the audi being the base, you see what i mean ?

  17. Danny Amado Avatar
    Danny Amado

    Amo la BMW, tiene un diseño simplemente Hermoso❤😊

  18. shantatoo Avatar

    best series from you ever. Love these dyno videos. So much informative to see what the real power figures are!

  19. JakesWhips Avatar

    Love this series. Can’t wait for more!

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