Audi RS4 v Tesla Model Y: DRAG RACE

Thanks to Jodie for joining us for this race: @KiddinaSweetShop

Thanks to everyone for lending us their :
– Tesla Design Y:

What's quickest in a drag race – a , or an RS4? Well, we will discover!

So let's take a look at how these 2 compare. Beginning with the Design Y Efficiency, it's an all-electric SUV powered by two electric motors. Integrated, they offer all-wheel-drive and can put down 527hp and 660Nm of torque. Being electrical, it's weighed down by the batteries and motors, so it ideas the scales at 1,997 kg.

Then we have the Audi. It's loading a 2.9-litre twin-turbo V6 under the bonnet, which produces 450hp and 600Nm of torque. Provided it's an estate it's not exactly the lightest, although it comes in under the Design Y, weighing in at 1,745 kg.

So the electric power of the Tesla suggests it will be quick off the line, but could the extra weight prove decisive? There's only one way to discover … LET'S RACE!

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Every Audi RS drag race:


77 responses to “Audi RS4 v Tesla Model Y: DRAG RACE”

  1. carwow Avatar

    6:56 Can you pick a winner? VOTE for which you think passed the finish line first!

    1. Lamborghinivr Avatar


    2. Scamp  Avatar

      Definitely the tesla but people hate the idea that the tesla won so they vote rs4

    3. Matthew Norman Avatar
      Matthew Norman

      We need a Hyundai Getz sx on this channel day 193

    4. CaptainFunnyVR Avatar


    5. king Edward Avatar
      king Edward

      Tesla love your videos

  2. Sophia Tan Avatar
    Sophia Tan

    This is always so entertaining to watch! Keep it up!

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      And also god tiered.

  3. Efe Oride Avatar
    Efe Oride

    Always nice to see a beauty on the track and Jodie too.

    1. Carl Johnson Avatar
      Carl Johnson


    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yianni and Jodie both are equally impressive.

    3. tavarish kammandier Avatar
      tavarish kammandier


    4. Ex Cop Avatar
      Ex Cop

      @LiepajaOnBoard Whoosh. The joke is that he is saying Matt is beautiful.

  4. V. S. Avatar
    V. S.

    Wagons are so underrated. They are jsut as fast as saloons, but offer the same practicallity of an SUV.

    1. Robert Wielinga Avatar
      Robert Wielinga

      Yep, the RS4 is so underrated. The RS6 is great, but for daily use it is too big and thirsty. Electric stationwagons are still very rare (MG5, new Vauxhall Astra and Peugeot 308SW have been announced).

    2. Argonaut Avatar

      @Brodie Jones someone who needs ease of access would.

    3. Brodie Jones Avatar
      Brodie Jones

      @Argonaut Good point. One reason for them to exist!

    4. The IPC-TWIzZT Avatar
      The IPC-TWIzZT

      @Brodie Jones SUVs are more aerodynamic (important for consumption) and the seat is more elevated (important for older people).

      In this case you also get more space.

    5. Brodie Jones Avatar
      Brodie Jones

      @The IPC-TWIzZT I grant that people don’t have to step down into an SUV but the space isn’t increased as a result. Everything is raised up leading to interior space being a wash but typically favouring the station wagon because they are usually longer. As for aerodynamics, the drag coefficients I have seen favour the station wagon more often than the reverse hence their usually better fuel consumption compared to SUV’s. This makes sense given SUV’s height. Height it an enemy of drag. (SUV’s are also typically heavier giving a further advantage in fuel economy to the station wagon.) . You can’t of course compare an electric SUV with a petrol SUV. Electric vehicles should have better drag coefficient V petrol engined vehicles because they don’t have to accommodate a petrol engine and can have a smaller frontal area.

  5. Zno Avatar

    Jodie is always bang on with her launches, unlike some other guests 👀

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @hatsh yep

    2. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      @Mighty Mallet shift timing actually mattered more than just launches.

    3. Sizwe Avatar

      Better than the sticker man

  6. Roland Ong Avatar
    Roland Ong

    The fact that Jodie memorized the specs than yianni does.😮

    1. 164 Avatar

      yanni is a joke lmao

    2. I🤍acid Avatar

      Well Jodie is a petrol head yianni is a rapper

    3. 🇩🇴 JJDominican 🇩🇴 Avatar
      🇩🇴 JJDominican 🇩🇴

      Also they have a cheat sheet off camera.

    4. hassy g Avatar
      hassy g

      Yianna former dealer so, Jodie a toff big difference

    5. S M Avatar
      S M

      I caught her reading off a sheet in the last vid

  7. Zamir Markovsky Avatar
    Zamir Markovsky

    You have to do a video with Jodi and Yanni, it would be an epic trio

    1. Constantin Nescu Avatar
      Constantin Nescu

      Maybe an erotic parody in Dunsfold Park but without cars

    2. Josh Avatar

      5:05 kinda waiting for that signature “come on baby!”

    3. Macron87 Avatar

      What would be epic about that trio? I really don’t understand.

    4. WES Avatar

      Definitely, I like Jodi she’s a great personality

    5. Samir Avatar

      Only epic thing about that is if they filmed porn?

  8. Gerald Gifford Avatar
    Gerald Gifford

    Mat, track mode will actually make it perform worse on launch & drag race. It is cooling the battery which is good for the track but not good for maximum power.

    1. HanwooNotWagyu Avatar

      @Wga RC fans know their place

    2. Wga Avatar

      @HanwooNotWagyu putting people in boxes is boring and too “standard”, in lack of better words. I’m just interested in new technology, let it be pistons or battery cells 😊

    3. HanwooNotWagyu Avatar

      @Wga imagine thinking EVs are new technology

    4. Wga Avatar

      @HanwooNotWagyu I mean the electric car and the combustion engine car are almost equally old 😂and I didn’t say that ev:s are any new tech, just that I’m interested in new technology 😊

    5. Wga Avatar

      @HanwooNotWagyu and yes, you can say that ev:s are new tech in a sense (just as internal combustion cars): it may not be the power trains themselves, although they’ve been refined, but all the other parts like tyres, suspension, lights etc. 😊

  9. Neil McMahon Avatar
    Neil McMahon

    Jodie is an absolute gem.

  10. George Shonia Avatar
    George Shonia

    Track mode is actually slower for drag then just sport regime!

    1. Mr. fix Avatar
      Mr. fix

      @Dutch Schaefer the plaid never stops pulling I want one one day

    2. Dutch Schaefer Avatar
      Dutch Schaefer

      @Mr. fix the Plaid is absolute madness and shows what electric motors and battery technology is capable of. But I don’t think it stops to well though which would worry me. Probably to do with the weight.
      I’ve only come up against a model 3 performance once. And to be fair he was at a massive disadvantage as it was a roll from about 75-80ish. We had to wait until a car got out of the way. So I did pull away, but I’d have been playing catch up from a dig.
      My mate just got a Taycan, it’s a lovely car as you would expect paying Porsche money and being German. But he got it from work as a company car, He was after an Audi E-tron GT but for some strange reason that would have cost more.

    3. Mr. fix Avatar
      Mr. fix

      @Dutch Schaefer nice!! You are very respectful and appreciate all sorts of cars, it’s rare to find someone like this on here. What do you drive? I would like to know what kind of car mine can keep up with or lose to or beat in a roll if I do ever race at those speeds, but I’ve never started a race at more than 40-50 mph and haven’t lost many to 100-110 after that, but after those speeds I just press the brakes personally I don’t wanna lose my license

    4. Mr. fix Avatar
      Mr. fix

      @Dutch Schaefer the plaid brakes are junk. I actually greatly prefer how the model 3 drives to the model s in terms of handling and braking, but that brutal power is addicting. The plaid accelerates from 70 as hard as my car accelerates from 0 which feels absurd. It’s the only car that made mine feel gutless after the test drive

    5. Dutch Schaefer Avatar
      Dutch Schaefer

      @Mr. fix I’ve actually just swapped my car to a 2016 Audi RS6. But the car I raced the Model 3 in was a 2014 Audi S6 saloon. But the car wasn’t stock. It had decat downpipes, non res milltek exhaust, intake, RS6 fuel pumps and Remap. Dyno’d at 546bhp.
      Yes, I appreciate all types of cars and the engineering behind them. I’m a petrolhead at heart which is maybe odd that I’m not more into EVs as I’m an electrical engineer.
      I don’t think you’ll have too much competition from the traffic lights in your Model 3, seriously quick off the line.

  11. raistaparta Avatar

    For anyone wondering what that glitch at 8:51 is, it says: “New frames need analyzing; click Analyze.”

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan


    2. Alvin Avatar

      Thought my eyes were glitching out

    3. Trippy Rex Avatar
      Trippy Rex

      it’s Premiere Pro’s warp stabilizer, they forgot to analyze the frames

    4. WES Avatar

      Silly gooses!

    5. Juan van wyk Avatar
      Juan van wyk

      Not all heroes wear capes 🫡

  12. The Hauke Avatar
    The Hauke

    Love the races with Jodie. She’s fun and really knows her cars

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan

      Yes. Much like the girl from Supercar Blondie.

    2. Ragnarök Avatar

      @Purwanti Allan Well atleast this girl can drive. Haven’t seen Supercar blondie drive over 30mph.

    3. HarrySZN Avatar

      @Ragnarök 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. John Shaw Avatar
    John Shaw

    Jodie won without even rocking back and forth, which as we all know gives an extra 25 hp

    1. Josh Avatar

      5:05 kinda waiting for that signature “come on baby!”

    2. Isaac Cornett Avatar
      Isaac Cornett

      That’s real science there, mate😂😂

    3. adgtesfg ghee Avatar
      adgtesfg ghee

      s imp

    4. Vitali Levin Avatar
      Vitali Levin

      ​@John Shaw 6:10 and watch her all the way through from the outside camera.

    5. ForcesNL Avatar

      @John Shaw It’s a conspiracy theory… Or something. It’s also a very populair thing to say, so. There you go lol. 

      Rocking does make a floating object roll. So in very advanced technical terms it would sound logical that rocking helps you win a rolling race. XD

  14. Rusty Dog Avatar
    Rusty Dog

    Jodie is a keeper for these drag runs. She drives well and brings a refreshing change.

    1. Purwanti Allan Avatar
      Purwanti Allan


    2. HarrySZN Avatar


    3. Chris Williams Avatar
      Chris Williams

      Probably because she used to race cars and probably still does

    4. Rusty Dog Avatar
      Rusty Dog

      @Chris Williams Correct answer. That’s 50 points. 🙂

  15. God damn it Carl! Avatar
    God damn it Carl!

    Jodie Kidd is the best guest on car wow. Knows her stuff, great personality, amazing driver and damn is she beautiful.

    1. Vlado Vitkovic Avatar
      Vlado Vitkovic


  16. PissMyAss Lynch Avatar
    PissMyAss Lynch

    I’m amazed about the brake considering the Y has much cargo space as a Range Rover disco😂

    1. ray doherty Avatar
      ray doherty

      I own one and they have brembo brakes and they do run a lot of tire (255 front, 275 rear and summers)

  17. Tafadzwa Ndingindi Avatar
    Tafadzwa Ndingindi

    The way the Audi Avants pitch up under acceleration is so satisfying

    1. Krane Avatar

      Yeah, once the turbos spool up, its like a rocket.

  18. Jori Diculous Avatar
    Jori Diculous

    That was A LOT closer than i thought it would be. An EV vs Combustion and the tesla didn’t get it right from the launch? Nice! First race was epic 🙂 That RS4 is seriously quick.

  19. Okith De Silva Avatar
    Okith De Silva

    We want more drag races with Jordie and her cars!

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