715hp BMW M2 v Manhart M3 Touring: DRAG RACE

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It's time for a Manhart drag race!

The Manhart group has gone to town on a and a , and Mat's about to see how the two compare over the quarter mile!

So let's take a more detailed take a look at each automobile. Beginning with the , it's typically powered by a 3-litre twin-turbo straight-six that produces 510hp and 650Nm of torque. However, it's had several upgrades contributed to it, and as an outcome, it now puts down 650hp and 800Nm! This power is sent out to all four wheels by means of an 8-speed automatic transmission, and the car weighs in at 1,865 kg. If you want to get this exact automobile, it would set you back around ₤ 126,000!

Then we have the . The stock cars and truck has a 3-litre twin-turbo straight-six that can produce 460hp and 550Nm. Nevertheless, much like the M3, it's had several mods contributed to it, so it now creates an unbelievable 715hp and 850Nm! An 8-speed automated transmission sends this power to the rear wheels, and the cars and truck tips the scales at 1,725 kg. It likewise comes with a pretty substantial price of ₤ 110,000.

So the M2 has more power and is lighter, however the power is only sent to the rear wheels! Will this prove decisive? There's only one method to learn for sure … LET'S RACE!

Thanks to Manhart for assisting to organise this drag race:


82 responses to “715hp BMW M2 v Manhart M3 Touring: DRAG RACE”

  1. @carwow Avatar

    Sell your car for free with Carwow: https://bit.ly/-Sell-Your-Car-For-Free-2908

    1. @MrDJ2004 Avatar

      Don’t translate…

    2. @MrDJ2004 Avatar


    3. @MrDJ2004 Avatar


    4. @user-oe7yp1dg3x Avatar

      ​@@MrDJ2004Победил БМВ 😊

    5. @ghuldorgrey Avatar

      These 2 BMWs look like a 14year old did the visual tuning. SO UGLY

  2. @user-xp7qe3hk8h Avatar

    715 HP on that little M2 is dope

    1. @lalinisatoryt Avatar

      yeah, especially with a RWD only and over 800 Nm of torque xD

    2. @heldermagalhaes7142 Avatar

      Its not so little anymore

    3. @lloyd.8272 Avatar

      It’s far from little!

    4. @chainsaw_2622 Avatar

      1.7 tons, quite heavy

    5. @trendingnovaYT Avatar

      I like the kick you get in the M2 when switching gears. Pitty it drinks so much mine haha

  3. @kingjohnson7041 Avatar

    should have made the m3 touring go in 2wd for one of the drag race

    1. @ethanlollie Avatar

      it won’t engage launch control in rwd mode

    2. @ISLAMICSTORIES13 Avatar

      nah we need to see the difference between the cars

  4. @bachakapanadze3946 Avatar

    Matt: Want to sell your car ?
    Us: +10 sec. x6

    1. @ransomsdp Avatar


    2. @Muhluri Avatar

      Just use sponsorblock

    3. @NwosuChimaobi-gb7hq Avatar

      So true😂😂😊

    4. @Oliver-mg7sp Avatar


    5. @snakeeyes9246 Avatar

      Or just click here: 7:50

  5. @hemanthkumar-xq3vd Avatar

    12:11 I want to see Yianni’s book of excuses like this whenever his lambo loses 😂.

    1. @Noor_Jacobs03 Avatar

      *Loses. But, you’re right😂😂.

    2. @rasherbasher8203 Avatar

      Yianni is a complete muppet

    3. @hemanthkumar-xq3vd Avatar

      @@Noor_Jacobs03 ok ,👽

    4. @Noor_Jacobs03 Avatar

      @@hemanthkumar-xq3vd It’s all good, man🤣🤣👍🏽👍🏽.

  6. @desertsandfly2277 Avatar

    The tuning potential of modern BMWs is just absolutely bonkers. The fact that you can get a +200hp increase from stock by just an aftermarket intake and exhaust and an ECU remap is incredible. You don’t even need to touch the engine or the turbos.

    1. @swimthrumyaquarium Avatar

      Doesn’t that just show how throttled they are by design?

    2. @Y_Pree Avatar

      Or just maybe the internals are not quite strong enough to handle and maintain them pressures so you’re better off rebuilding the whole thing with stronger materials, im sure companies are not deluded enough not to push their products to the absolute limits

    3. @drewukdrew Avatar
    4. @TeacherToolkitDemo Avatar

      @@Y_Preethey are easily strong enough on stock internals for 800bhp. The stock block limit is something outrageous like 1300bhp.

    5. @rredureis Avatar

      The issue is producing that much power under the emission limits

  7. @Mashalkhan-e2b Avatar

    If u r looking to sell your car
    Me : I don’t have one 💀

    1. @ttvvideos2050 Avatar

      skip it

    2. @sufianshahid3690 Avatar

      Ik im just here for the vid

    3. @manilove2pwn Avatar

      126k for a m3 must have 0 IQ to buy one LOLOLOLOLOL

    4. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Well some people looked forward to see which cars they can sell.😅

    5. @chriscotton4207 Avatar

      They sell them too

  8. @kingpinmabhengu Avatar

    “It’s Carbon With Carbon And There’s A Little Bit Of Carbon Flanked By Carbon” If You Don’t Get It Forget About It Mate 3:06 😅

    1. @manilove2pwn Avatar

      126k for a m3 must have 0 IQ to buy one LOLOLOLOLOL

    2. @billymays7210 Avatar

      @@manilove2pwn what’s a 100 IQ purchase to mr. manlove?

  9. @Muhluri Avatar

    How the hell is a 2-seater only 100kg lighter than a 4WD family car?

    1. @dlevi67 Avatar

      The underlying platform is the same, same engine, and air isn’t very heavy. The main weight difference is the 4WD system.

    2. @vollcare4076 Avatar

      Both same platform, same drivetrain etc

      M2 with heavier battery, heavier wheels (from stock)

    3. @blax52vet Avatar

      i think the 96-2000 honda civic coupe is heavier than the 4 door, or like the same weight. coupes aren’t as much lighter than 4 doors as you would think. I don’t know why.

    4. @drunkenhobo8020 Avatar

      BMW weights don’t make any sense. Like the new M5 being 130 kg heavier than their fully EV i5 M60.

    5. @zf8496 Avatar

      @@blax52vet i think it’s related to Chassis stiffness and bracing! it’s way more in coupé than normal ones.

  10. @terryallen5328 Avatar

    That M2 is insane and I even like the colour too. 😜

  11. @nickreed7023 Avatar

    Great to have Sam back…

    1. @3storiesUp Avatar

      In fairness, the two of them make a great team.

    2. @manilove2pwn Avatar

      126k for a m3 must have 0 IQ to buy one LOLOLOLOLOL

    3. @purwantiallan5089 Avatar

      Now imagine if we add Bruno Spengler for the next drag race.

    4. @aliejaz6529 Avatar

      Sending sam out of his car to look for the air intake was not nice of mat though. He knew he wouldn’t find it but still humiliated him.

    5. @IceTTom Avatar

      He never left… 🫤

  12. @xali2008 Avatar

    £110k for a M2! That’s crazy.

    1. @desertsandfly2277 Avatar

      Well it’s heavily modified and pumping out 700hp. And it has a manhart body kit. So I guess that justifies the price.

    2. @deathmark1940 Avatar

      Manhart logo is expensive

    3. @RYTF5 Avatar

      ​@@desertsandfly2277can you pay to get rid of the body kit? These are hideous. Although you can’t put lipstick on a pig.

    4. @manilove2pwn Avatar

      126k for a m3 must have 0 IQ to buy one LOLOLOLOLOL

  13. @ML71000 Avatar

    I’m still amazed at how fast a 10-second car was in Fast & Furious 1

    1. @qwertyqwerty-zi6dr Avatar


    2. @billymays7210 Avatar

      I remember doing the math back then and finding that a 10 sec car was as quick compared to Dodge Viper, as a Dodge Viper was to my Dad’s TRD Toyota Solara… 🤯🤣

  14. @Angus_____ Avatar

    They look like cars from a 12 yr olds garage in GrandTheftAuto 😂

    1. @RiasGremoryS54 Avatar

      And you still don’t own them..

    2. @netsai61 Avatar

      And I still want one 😢

    3. @G82Watts Avatar

      That blue on the m3 is 🔥 I don’t like the stripes though

    4. @mazzelle9276 Avatar

      @@RiasGremoryS54why are you commenting everywhere, when someday says their oppinion on those cars😂. Bud you are basically everywhere and always trying to protect the cars lol. Are they the prettiest nope are they fast yes. Everybody has different oppinions on the design. I for example like the side and rear view of the m3. On the other hand i dislike the front. There is nothing wrong about that. And yes those cars look like they are made by 12 year old GTA kiddos.

    5. @RiasGremoryS54 Avatar

      @@mazzelle9276 Are you serious ? So *him* copy pasting that comment everywhere is not a problem ? 😂. Don’t change it, he is just hating for no reason. Those are not even my favorite cars… I’m more “old school.” But you just seem to be a BMW hater, those cars look agressive IRL, go outside a little. Yes it’s subjective, but don’t hate like a sheep. Also, I’m barely in the comment. You are confusing me with him..

  15. @faizelphilander6938 Avatar

    Any carwow video with a BMW in it no matter win or loose is my favorite video. These two cars are just nicely tuned with no issues. Great video guys.

  16. @Goat-vy2bi Avatar

    1700kg with that small car is insane….

    1. @schaerfentiefe1967 Avatar

      The M2 is not small.
      It is longer and wider than a BMW 3-series E90 (2005-2013) !

    2. @TVCHLORD Avatar

      It’s a m4 with a different body that’s why it’s so heavy

    3. @hassyg4083 Avatar

      its no old supra light lol

    4. @exeroon9958 Avatar

      “small car” ?! you should maybe take a look at the m2 before making such clames but even more important weight doesnt matter if the car drives well

    5. @AH-lw2bj Avatar

      You can blame government regulations for all that weight!

      Emission systems, 25 airbags, enough sensors the car can drive itself, etc…..

  17. @stuartsmith5308 Avatar

    It’s a one in a million car.
    One in a million people, would want to be seen driving a car like that.

  18. @LanieOscar-o3w Avatar

    9:17 The Gear Shift from the M3 sounds LOVELY!

    1. @mirceamuntean6439 Avatar


    2. @allaudin5M Avatar

      ​@@mirceamuntean6439obviously 😂 recently joined 😂

  19. @Lb.q2 Avatar

    0:01 the cars are the same colour as the thumbnail for once

  20. @ModelAaliyahAustin-i8o Avatar

    Money cant buy taste. Modern BMW’s look so tacky and tasteless. That M2 looks like a Clarks running shoe. They also sound pants.

    1. @JackV-tw8bw Avatar

      The exterior mods on that M2 looks like something a 12yr old would do on grand theft auto

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