Kilowatt Half Hour Episode 45: Spring falls and the car makers in trouble |

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This week, Mike and Tom talk about the Italian electrical vehicle scene (a really short conversation), the Dolphin Active and ask why it's so bloomin' challenging to purchase a car. The group likewise discuss a buying predicament, a charging puzzler and dip into the postbag to see what you're thinking.

If you have a car buying question or wish to be consisted of in our postbag, add your comment below or message us at

Every week, the .com meet online to go over all the concerns at hand. Such as the weather condition, what we're all having for our tea and who dumped who in last night's Love Island. In between these heavyweight subjects, we likewise discuss electric vehicles. A lot. Probably an unhealthy amount to be sincere.

And when we do go over automobiles, we learn a lot. From market gossip to the more mundane usefulness of electrical and truck ownership, it's the place where we dish the dirt on the vehicles we have actually been driving and provide our own decisions on the current electrical and truck . We likewise like to have a good make fun of the daftest bits of anti-electric that we've seen in journalism.

We can't promise that you'll learn much. You probably will not. However if you expensive 30 minutes of idle chat and gossip about the world of electric automobiles, we're here for you. If you like it/ hate it/ believe it's too long or too short, let us understand.


22 responses to “Kilowatt Half Hour Episode 45: Spring falls and the car makers in trouble |”

  1. @ArithonUK Avatar

    The EX30’s firmware was fixed by the 1.3 and 1.41 updates. Apple CarPlay is being added in the next few weeks by 1.41. Which just leaves the promised phone-as-a-key. No idea about the EX90 but the EX30 is fine.

  2. @AnnaCarlini-n6z6z Avatar

    Your channel is one of the best places on YouTube for quality content. Thank you for all your hard work!😝🌲🍏

  3. @jamesengland7461 Avatar

    Renault 17? I’m American, but I geek out on all sorts of European car YouTube channels, and I’ve never even heard of it.

  4. @jimross623 Avatar

    The Renault R17 looks far more like an original Ford Capri than the current electric Ford Capri! They’re what Ford should have made.

  5. @hex_7187 Avatar

    As vehicles become increasingly defined by their software, it behoves road testers and publications to recommend on what vehicles can do today, not what they may do in the future. The EX30 is instructive because it won so many awards, yet it still isn’t delivering on all of it’s original promises.

  6. @chrishunter974 Avatar

    That concept r17 looks more like a Ford Capri than the new Ford capri πŸ˜‚

  7. @mikadavies660 Avatar

    For me… The two options for spacious four seaters would be Kia EV9 or iD7 Tourer. As they both have space and range.

  8. @simonevans8979 Avatar

    `Trips down the tip` is why I kept my Peugeot 308 SW.
    Use it for mebbe 5 hours a year and only tax/insure it for half a year (in the summer – I don’t go to the `recycling centre` in the winter). My next electric car to replace my E-208 will have to be `longboi` equivalent… I have been known to drive to the recycling centre in my leccy, but the boot is nothing to write home about. (One of my bugbears about the leccy Pug). But having the estate for things like doors and tables has proved handy. Cant `blow the bloody doors off` of everything (Italian Job reference there).

  9. @mikadavies660 Avatar

    In December 2023 the iD Buzz was on an outstanding lease deal… This Christmas I am really looking forward to the best ever deals. I would even get a Capri (😒) if it was half price!

  10. @simonevans8979 Avatar

    I agree. My running costs for the 308 SW Estate easily exceed that for the Peugeot E-208, for about costs in the hundreds of pounds a year but my actual mileage is fewer than 500 miles in the past two years, compared to 12.000 miles in the leccy, but buried as an `offset` against the cost of renting Skips and the ability to drop things off to friends and neighbours it still has its place. Haven’t budgeted cost for a while as I’ve had the car for years and its fully depreciated, which is why I kept it – well that and my sis-in-law uses it occasionally. But cost per mile is MUCH higher for the diesel, and I have had to buy a new battery at 80 quid for this `season`. With tax and insurance I will probably get rid off it soon…

  11. @jamesengland7461 Avatar

    As an American, I weary of the complaints, like the questioner you answered towards the end, of Brits that you have to be rich to buy a new EV, when the real problem is that the questioner is not in the market to buy any new car. [Neither am I, nor am I interested in buying any new car; I’m quite happy with old used cars] It’s not lost on me that its an implied insult to anyone who could afford a new car, as if they’re somehow morally deficient or something.

    1. @benrgrogan Avatar

      This is true. So often complaints that ‘EVs are expensive compared to petrol cars’ seem to be paying very little attention to the current price of petrol cars.

      10 years ago in the UK you could buy a load of cars for under 10k. Nowadays there are only a handful of cars under Β£20k.

  12. @stephenwensley9328 Avatar

    Next gen LiDAR will be behind glass, but they are still developing the tech. So the taxi signs will disappear in the next few years

    1. @BBingo-v5i Avatar

      BMWs “Neue Klasse” platform and Mercedes-Benz MMA platform will already have LIDAR behind glass and they will start next year. The Mercedes CLA class concept still had a “taxi sign”, but it was quite sleek and small. It wouldn’t bother me anymore if it looked like this. The test vehicles spotted on the road did not have this on the roof tho, which is why I think it will be behind the glass

  13. @anonymouspdg6121 Avatar

    Enjoyable as usual!
    Interesting, British Gas have been doing Peak Save Sundays for months where between 11am and 4pm, electricity is half price. During the Olympics, they extended this to 9am to 5pm. Sundays suddenly became, car charging, washing, lawn cutting and electrical appliance charging days πŸ˜„.
    Then I’ve just had an email today (Monday) to say they have a Peak Save event on Tuesday between 11am and 1pm where all electricity used is half price. Good job were retired, the washing machine will be on again lol!

  14. @grahamcastle8189 Avatar

    Car buying question – can you please review second hand EV extended warranties, scope, cost, exclusions etc and recommend the best buys? Thank you.

  15. @RichardHilditch Avatar

    Tom could take a KGM Torres EVX to uni, it has a very large boot. You could then review the car for your channel.

  16. @PaulMeier-cu3ds Avatar

    Had fun as usual, many thanks.

    Domestic electricity prices have risen so much in the past couple of years that if you can, the chance to do either renewables or at least some battery storage is compelling. In our case the payback is about two and a half years. Arbitraging the grid pricing is something we can already do as we can fill up the batteries at night on the cheap and sell any photovoltaic we do not use at peak prices during mid day, even in winter. We are gearing up for all our cars to be electric, though I am still on a PHEV so a sort of menthol smoke for now. Car to grid would be big because we would not have to double invest in more batteries as the cars would be the batteries. What we still need is more generating capacity – we have 8.5 kw PV, plus c. 3kw wind – before we can put all house, heating, and car needs on renewables, but it is within sight.

  17. @bellshooter Avatar

    ‘Mike’ , some of us are cash rich and earnings poor. The last two cars I have bought for cash, a Leaf and an MG. The next will probably be the same , but newish 2nd hand as depreciation is now brutal.

  18. @Jon-Truscott Avatar

    A friend at college used to give us lifts in his Renault 17. The thing I remember most is him having two accidents in one day in it! πŸ™‚

  19. @lixx9277 Avatar

    Just here to say during the free hour, used 17.61kWh extra electricity during the session.

    Plugged in both cars, washing machine, tumble dryer on, oven self cleaning

  20. @claytonnickel8420 Avatar

    Talking about remembering the R17 and cars of that time – have you noticed that the Citroen E-C4 is like the Citroen GS?

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