FACT CHECKED: Jeremy Vine “Electric cars are the biggest con trick inflicted on society.”

#jeremyvine #channel 5 #electriccars

On January 19 2023, The Jeremy Vine Program relayed an interview with Mike Parry on the subject of electrical automobiles. While we invite informed argument here at the interview (which has been commonly shared on social networks) contained a variety of declared 'truths' that are not only at chances with our findings, but are also fundamentally inaccurate.

At Electrifying we like to get the facts straight. Unlike some channels, we easily confess that not whatever about electric is perfect. Vice versa. There's a long method to precede electric automobiles are a practical and inexpensive option for all drivers.

But we're not fans of incorrect details. And the interview in question was rather full of it. In the interests of balance, we've taken a close take a look at what was said and inspected every 'fact' carefully. Sign Up With Ginny and Tom as they arrange the truths from the fiction.

Did you see the interview? Do you think Jeremy Vine and Mike Parry have legitimate viewpoints on electrical automobiles. As constantly, let us know in the remarks listed below.

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Visit our site at. Electrifying.com is the UK's leading and truck electric vehicle news and review site. Founded by Ginny Buckley, we are the go-to site for the latest advancements in the world of electrical automobiles and the latest evaluations of the most recent models. Our site is packed with advice and details composed in plain english for those aiming to make the switch or wishing to learn more about the world of electric automobiles. Our reviews are composed by some of the most knowledgeable reviewers in business and will even help you discover the perfect brand-new or pre-owned vehicle. New Vehicle reviews:. The most recent electrical and truck news:. Tips and guidance:. Register to our e-mail newsletter for a monthly round-up of all our and truck news, reviews and guidance:. Follow Electrifying.com

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Check out our full video library:. National Grid complete interview:. 00:00 Intro.
01:02" 'I think politicians invented the electrical vehicle". 03:01" Children in Africa have to go into mines and mine cobalt for
batteries ". 04:56" An electric automobile is twice the weight of a common vehicle, so they are being prohibited from parking area. ". 07:49" Electric vehicles shred the tyres far more quickly and spray fibres into the air all the time". 09:09 "If all the cars and trucks run on electric they 'd suck all of the
electrical power out of the nationwide grid". 10:37" The biggest mine on the planet is in your bottom drawer". 12:23" You can't charge them … another 120 miles and bang– it's all gone".


30 responses to “FACT CHECKED: Jeremy Vine “Electric cars are the biggest con trick inflicted on society.””

  1. The Continued Voyage Avatar
    The Continued Voyage

    Parry has always been out to get the headlines and will say ANYTHING, to get them!!!

  2. Neil Moe Avatar
    Neil Moe

    I had to hold back my laughter watching this episode. I honestly believe that you guys did your due diligence in your fact checking and the backing up those facts. Keep on doing a great job and keep sheding light on the “falsities” of electric cars and continue to show the positive impact they can have to society.

    1. Electrifying Avatar

      Our pleasure! Thanks so much for watching to, we’ll keeping on being there with the ‘facts’!

  3. Stuart Carlton Avatar
    Stuart Carlton

    I’m not sure you could expect anything factual from many TV and Newspaper journalists and that programme is no different! Research just isn’t on their agenda because they would be unable to sensationalise their stories. Sadly, however, there is a very large proportion of the population believe them. Please keep up your excellent work (and research!) Videos such as this should be made widely available (perhaps on the Jeremy Vine Show!😃)

  4. Mark Daniels Avatar
    Mark Daniels

    Loved this video. Unfortunately, Jeremy Whine is very good at whipping up rhetoric to fit his anti car agenda, whatever their fuel source, and will always find the headline grabbing worst case scenario rather than focus on the vast majority who have a positive experience.

    1. Electrifying Avatar

      Thanks for your support, we’ll keep doping our fact checks.

    2. mark gentry Avatar
      mark gentry

      You don’t mean he is a cyclist nazi, I had no idea 😅😅😅

  5. Chris Bailey Avatar
    Chris Bailey

    There should be some fact checking on sensationalist shows, to stop them saying it’s our guest’s opinion so we can broadcast things that are not true. Either have an on screen warning like YouTube with Covid or 5 mins at the end for an informed response. The I-Pace man seems just to have done it for publicity, and some lapped it up without thinking that a very odd way to operate and choose that particular EV.

  6. Stuart Corby Avatar
    Stuart Corby

    Love this video! Although I’m not an EV owner (yet), I am an EV ambassador and represent one of the largest brands in the world. You guys are exactly what is needed to keep reminding the EV bashers that most of their “facts” are from a mate down the pub circa 2012 when all EV’s were quite awful by comparison to today, but even then they were very misguided. I probably spend more time advising the so called “specialists” that their facts and advice are quite often wrong, which is why there is so much needs to be done, not just publicly, but also the people selling them. All too often if an EV’s not going the distance promised, not charging the speeds advertised on the charging point, not behaving like an ICE vehicle, it’s the car that’s the problem….
    More often than not, it’s the drivers not being educated to drive an EV in a way that will optimise everything the way it was intended to be used, rather than just being handed the keys and expecting them to return great range when being driven like an ICE vehicle. If the drivers don’t have faith in EV’s, it just adds to the fire these idiots on TV are creating.

    1. Electrifying Avatar

      Thanks for your comments, we really appreciate it. We’ll keeping on giving our the real facts… and not the made up ones!

    2. Brian Avatar

      Good post. You quite often see so many EV de-cryers claiming you’ll need a new battery after 4 or 5 years. They obviously haven’t even bothered to find out how long the battery warranty is on most EV’s……

  7. Ann Morphew Avatar
    Ann Morphew

    I love your enthusiasm and the fact that you keep us updated. Thank you.

  8. ExaminerIan - Hints, Tips and a few Trips Avatar
    ExaminerIan – Hints, Tips and a few Trips

    Assuming it actually makes production, my Aptera should be here by 2025. Hopefully the EU/UK versions will be fully built by CPC in Modena, where all Aptera body structures are being made from carbon fibre, and my first trip will be to bring it back home to Durham, a trip of around 1200 miles if I take the opportunity to go to visit friends in Karlsruhe, crossing the Alps via Grossglockner Pass (so that would be some time after May 2025, when the road is free of snow). Just need a decent route planner that does the same in EU as Zap-Map does in UK.

    Now, if EVs are being subjected to FUD from the fossil-fuel industry puppets, you want to hear what *some EVers* say about why having an SEV in north England will be useless because it’s just a land filled with thick fog and rain, where the sun avoids shining, blah-diddley-blah. The regular sceptics can’t seem to comprehend the design of the vehicle, so never get as far as the solar capture side of it all…

    1. Megapangolin Avatar

      Good luck in your venture. Please publish here and update us on the future. Great to see.

  9. Kevin Bullas Avatar
    Kevin Bullas

    Great vlog…very factual, balanced and presented in a relatable style…thanks you both…keep up the good work😁👍🏻👏🏻

  10. Pip Stein Avatar
    Pip Stein

    Jeremy Vine hosted a similar programme on BBC Radio2, full of guff and inaccuracy . Quentin Wilson a very experienced motoring journalist was a guest and did a fantastic job of tearing through the BS and pointing out all the fallacies while not shying away from the challenges.

  11. Richard Roberts Avatar
    Richard Roberts

    Love this. If we could rewind time to when the first combustion engines came out I bet you would find the same thing. Horse Owner “Well you can’t find any fuel for your car where as my horse just eats grass and there’s lots of that about”

    1. DavidT Avatar

      Yep, the funny part is that the anti EV brigade say that there are no chargers while posting such comments from a device charged from domestic power.
      (Yes yes I realise that not everyone can home charge at present but there’s plenty of electricity about.)

  12. CA Driver Avatar
    CA Driver

    This is the same guy that called a plant-based burger “luscious and lovely” in a blind taste test, then “cardboard” when it was revealed.

  13. Tim Oliver Avatar
    Tim Oliver

    I’m sure Jeremy Vine really looks forward to the day when he can pedal his push bike without breathing in all the crap from combustion engines.

    1. Wooly Chewbakker Avatar
      Wooly Chewbakker

      Actually JV wants all cars taken off the road so he can ride his bike. You should search out his bike riding videos on YouTube – he is a complete and utter knob.

  14. A Badger Avatar
    A Badger

    Thank you for talking sense. Jeremy Vines programme was a bit of an embarrassment. Owning an EV requires a level of common sense which the anti EV brigade don’t seem to have. Keep up the good work.

  15. MrGrumtastic Avatar

    To add some further information on the Tebay queuing on the 27th December, I was there earlier in the day and it was somewhat of a perfect storm.
    1. Only the southbound side of Tebay has Tesla chargers, so it has cars from both directions stopping there.
    2. It has the older V2 chargers which load share between pairs, so essentially when two cars parked next to each other, they will only draw a max of 60-65kW.
    3. Tebay is a destination stop. Many people like to stop there for a meal regardless of whether they actually need to stop to charge.
    4. There is quite a long distance between Tebay and any other superchargers when heading south, so it usually makes sense to stop there.
    5. Contrary to comments in the video, older Model S and X can only rapid charge at V2 Tesla superchargers, unless they have had the CCS conversion. So they can’t really just go somewhere else.
    All of the above combined with a massive amount more peak holiday traffic than usual made this inevitable. The simplest solution is just to add more charging capability here and at many more motorway service areas.

    1. Brian Avatar

      Living in the area, I personally wouldn’t bother with Tebay. I’d use the two chargers in the main village car park in Shap, just off Junction 39 of the M6, as they don’t see much use yet, despite being installed fairly recently. They are operated by Charge My Street, a local charge network based in North Lancashire.

  16. Robert Berry Avatar
    Robert Berry

    Great video! It is really quite sad and frankly very annoying, that so many media outlets are helping to foster anti-EV propaganda like this. I begin to wonder why they don’t fact check the claims their invited guests are going to make before allowing them into the studio.
    I don’t watch daytime TV. Partly because I’ve got better things to do with my time but particularly because there seem to be lots of programmes like this. They provide discussion on topical issues of the day which they decide, or presume many people really need, or want to know about.
    I’ll stick to learning about stuff myself and reaching my own informed decisions. Which is what I did before getting my first EV 18 months ago.

  17. Richard Eskins Avatar
    Richard Eskins

    Excellent job. The very fact Vine couldn’t be bothered to find and quote the correct car name illustrates his shoddy journalism.

  18. Alex Fodor Avatar
    Alex Fodor

    What will be Jeremy Vine’s reaction when someone shares with him the fact that Cobalt is used in refining gasoline? Will he then tell us we should get rid of ICE vehicles? Fun Fact: The cobalt from a battery can be recovered and reused after the battery’s end of life, the cobalt used in refining is simply consumed.

    1. Brian Avatar

      Indeed Alex. The oil industry in the largest users on mined minerals on the planet, bar none. I believe *some* of the cobalt used in refining can be recovered, but I doubt it would be 90% as it is with battery recycling……

  19. Jesse Bryce Avatar
    Jesse Bryce

    Wonderful to see Electrifying seeking facts! Need someone to speak against the ridiculous information being pushed by people who really should know better.

    On the other hand, when I recently drew Ginny’s attention to updated info that showed the lifecycle impact of EVs is -better- than she had claimed, I got blocked 🤷‍♂️

    Some facts are better liked than others at Electrifying 😅

  20. mark allen Avatar
    mark allen

    Thank you for doing this and doing the fact checking,your videos are a breath of fresh air ❤

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